Jesus, help me to keep alert and vigilant so that I do not falter. There is so much to be concerned with that at times I can barely keep track of even a little. Send the Holy Spirit to give me the wisdom and knowledge to focus on what is necessary for me to be holy and true to your teachings. O Lord, let me rest my weary head on your shoulders. Convince me that you really do want to carry my burdens. O Lord I do not want to be surprised by your coming. Help me be ready to greet you with open arms at any time. Amen. Luke 21: 34-36
Today's Responsorial Psalm
Give glory and eternal praise to him.
Today's Intention
All those who only live for today and who have no regard for eternal life with Christ.
Today's Saint
Saint James of the Marches pray for us.
Today's Thought
We are all powerless over the future.
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who were ready when Jesus came for them.