A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

June 30, 2009

O You Of Little Faith

Jesus, we are so thankful that the people that You chose to accompany You on earth were so shaky in their faith in You. Even after seeing all You could do first-hand, they still showed doubt and fear. This gives us hope for ourselves. Today, we are riding in a boat that is in a sea of turbulence and hazard of many types. We cry out to You for protection and leadership. We want You to use Your almighty powers to quell the storms around us and tame the forces that create the danger. Lord, You know when and how to act. Give us the faith and trust to know that Your plan is much wiser than our need for immediate vindication and safety. Jesus, help us realize that although You may seem to be asleep in the boat, You are still in charge of all things. Amen. Matthew 8: 23-27

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