A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

October 31, 2009

Go And Take The Lowest Place

Jesus, instill in me a sense of humility that will allow me to live my life in your shadow. Help me keep my focus on doing my best for your glory and my salvation. Lord, when my days are over and I come to you, invite me to enter and take a place in your heavenly kingdom. Amen. Luke 14: 1, 7-11

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord will not abandon his people.

Today's Intention
All those who allow their pride to rule their lives.

Today's Saint
Saint Wolfgang pray for us.

Today's Thought
How often do we feel that we are entitled to more than we receive or have?

Pray The Holy Rosary For Humility.

October 30, 2009

Dining With The Pharisees

Jesus, you lived your life in a courageous manner, dining freely with those that despised you and challenged them without fear. Lord, give me the courage to be a faithful follower of your word, regardless of who I may be in the presence of. Allow me to mix freely with those who differ from me and demonstrate your love to them. Let my actions speak more loudly than my words. Amen. Luke 14: 1-6

Responsorial Psalm
Praise the Lord, Jerusalem.

Today's Intention
Those who condemn the Catholic Church. May they find a way to come home to its truth.

Today's Saint
Saint Marcellus and Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez pray for us.

Today's Thought
How often do we avoid those who do not agree with our views?

Pray The Holy Rosary For Courage.

October 29, 2009

Salvation and Protection

Jesus, take me under your wing and protect me from the evil that is all around me. Always keep my mind open to your words and invitation to come closer to you in all that I do, say and think. O Lord, never let me reject you or push you away. Amen. Luke 13:31-35

Responsorial Psalm
Save me, O Lord, in your kindness.

Today's Intention
All those who reject Jesus and his teachings.

Today's Saint
Saint Narcissus pray for us.

Today's Thought
Jesus expects much from us but his mercy and forgiveness is unlimited. No matter how much we fail, he will forgive us if we ask.

Pray The Holy Rosary For Salvation.

October 28, 2009

Ordinary Men

Jesus, help me to turn my ordinary life into an extraordinary life, like you did for your disciples. Give me the courage to do your will in my daily life so that others will be drawn to you and you will draw me closer to you in return. O Lord, I want to find deeper meaning and purpose in my life and I know that only you can make that happen. Choose me Lord. Amen. Luke 6:12-16

Responsorial Psalm
Their message goes out through all the earth.

Today's Intention
All those who are having difficulties finding meaning in their lives.

Today's Saint
Saint Jude and Saint Simon pray for us.

Today's Thought
Isn't it great that all of Christ's disciples were just ordinary people - just like us?

Pray The Holy Rosary For Inspiration.

October 27, 2009

Mustard Seeds And Yeast

Jesus, be the yeast that makes my life come alive and grow so that it is lived as you wish me to live it. Make something worthwhile and holy of me so that I can grow like the tiny mustard seed into a shelter for the birds of the sky. O Holy Spirit, breathe into me your gifts to bring me to holiness. Amen. Luke 13: 18-21

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord has done marvels for us.

Today's Intention
So that all people will do good deeds with what they are given by God.

Today's Saint
Saint Emilina and Saint Frumentius pray for us.

Today's Thought
All that we see, good and bad, is a manifestation of what we have done with what God has provided to us.

Pray The Holy Rosary For Hope.

October 26, 2009

Even on Sunday!

Jesus, never let me get caught up in the formality of my devotion to you. Give me the wisdom to follow you in a way that is real and authentic. Let me be able to do what is right and just, even in situations when tradition and custom would seem to say "no". O Lord, protect and guide me all day everyday. Amen. Luke 13:10-17

Responsorial Psalm
Our God is the God of Salvation.

Today's Intention
Those who could be helped by people who are fearful to do so.

Today Saint
Saint Demetrius, pray for us.

Today's Thought
How do we observe the Lord's Day?

Pray the Holy Rosary For Wisdom.

October 25, 2009

Master I Want To See

Jesus, I am like Bartimaeus sitting on the side of the road calling out to you so that you can give him sight. There are many voice that tell me to be quiet and that call me a fool for calling out so pitifully to you. O Lord reward me for my faith, no matter how faltering and imperfect, so that I can be with you in eternity. Jesus come to my aid and let me see. Amen. Mark 10:46-52

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.

Today's Intention
All those who are are blind or visually impaired.

Today's Saint
Saint Gaudentius, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Imagine the faith that a blind person must have to walk alone on a busy street.

Pray The Holy Rosary For Endless Faith.

October 24, 2009

The Fruitless Fig Tree

Jesus, be merciful to me and provide me with warnings and signs that keep me faithful to you. Please tend me as the vinedresser tended the fruitless fig tree, always hopeful that fruit will appear when love and care is applied. Save me from a sudden and unforseen death that leaves me detached from you by my willful sins. O Lord, give me the mercy and patience to be forgiving and merciful for those in my life who offend me or who I differ with. Let my forgiveness move them to a better life and me to a deeper love of you. Amen. Luke 13: 1-9

Responsorial Psalm
Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.

Today's Intention
All those who are depressed and frustrated by their failure to overcome a personal shortcoming or sin.

Today's Saint
Saint Anthony Mary Claret, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Every moment of our lives is an opportunity to he holy, if only for that moment.

Pray the Holy Rosary For Perseverance.

October 23, 2009

Judging What Is Right

Jesus, you have provided me with the ability to use my mind and senses to learn many things and do many things in my life. Give me the grace and knowledge to use my soul and heart to act in a manner that is pleasing to you and will lead me to eternal salvation. Help me to establish a balance in the efforts that I expend daily, making sure that more time is spent in learning what you want me to learn rather than what I want to learn. Amen. Luke 12: 54-59

Responsorial Psalm
Lord, teach me your statutes.

Today's Intention
For all students, that they may be able to navigate through the secular interpretation of morality that they are barraged with.

Today's Saint
Saint John of Capistrano, pray for us.

Today's Thought
There is no sadder image than an educated person living a soulless life.

Pray The Holy Rosary For Knowledge of God.

October 22, 2009

He Came To Set The Earth On Fire

Jesus, the world is indeed burning because of your word. Even members of your own Catholic Church are reducing your Word and majesty to watered down significance. O Lord, save me from the influence of a world gone mad and keep me safely in your ranks. Soothe and quiet the anger that I feel whenever I witness the secularization of all that I know as sacred and true. Make me an instrument of your peace, not an example of hate and discord as the battle for my soul wages on. Amen. Luke 12: 49-53

Responsorial Psalm
Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.

Today's Intention
All those who suffer in even the smallest way as a result of their faith in Jesus.

Today's Saint
Saint Mary Salmone pray for us.

Today's Thought
How have you changed spiritually in the last five years?

Pray the Holy Rosary for courage to remain in God's ranks.

October 21, 2009

Much Is Required

Jesus, I am blessed beyond measure with opportunities and material things. You have given me an even greater wealth, knowledge of your word and a persistent nagging to follow you more faithfully. I often fail at beiing a good steward of my material and spiritual riches. O Lord, give me the grace and faithfulness to live up to the responsibilities that your gifts places on my shoulders. Amen. Luke 12-39-48

Responsorial Psalm
Our help is in the name of the Lord.

Today's Intention
That those who procrastinate may find the motivation to start moving forward, no matter how slowly.

Today's Saint
Saint Celine, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Every moment in our life is a gift that carries meaning beyond our ability to comprehend.

Pray The Holy Rosary For Faithfulness.

October 20, 2009

Always Watching and Waiting

Jesus, help me to be ready for your coming, regardless of what time or under what circumstances. Strengthen me to be eternally vigilant, always waiting for your arrival at any moment. Enlighten my mind that I may look upon your unexpected coming for me with joyous anticipation. O Lord, bring me to your eternal glory. Amen. Luke 12: 35-38

Responsorial Psalm
Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.

Today's Intention
Those who will face sudden deaths.

Today's Thought
The next second is never guaranteed.

Pray The Holy Rosary For Vigilance.

October 19, 2009

Guard Against All Greed

Jesus, instill in me the wisdom to put you first in all that I do. Save me from simply living to amass possessions and fame. Give me the grace to accept the gifts and riches that you give to me, no matter how great or little, with gratitude. Help me to be content with what is mine and unaffected by what others may have. Amen. Luke 12: 13-21

Responsorial Psalm
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; he has come to his people.

Today's Intention
For those with great wealth, that they may provide willingly and generously in God's name to those who are in need.

Today's Saints
Saint Isaac Jogues and companions and Saint John de Brebeuf and companions, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Think about some possession that you really desired in the far past and that you eventually lost interest in after you received it.

Pray The Holy Rosary for Contentment.

October 18, 2009

Being First

Jesus, help me to redefine what it means to be "first" in life. I want to use the talents that I have and to be recognized for my accomplishments yet I need your guidance to save me from seeking my own glory alone. Give me the grace to use my talents to serve others sincerely out of love and a sense of duty to you. Allow me to be humble and quiet in my work so that I can be like many of the saints who lived their lives in ways that you taught. Amen. Mark 10: 35-40

Responsorial Psalm
Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you.

Today's Intention
All people who are struggling with pride in their lives.

Today's Saint
Saint Luke, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Why do we seek to impress other people?

Pray the Holy Rosary For Humility.

October 17, 2009

Facing God's Deniers

Jesus, send your graces down on me so that I can courageously defend you in my life. Holy Spirit, instill in me your gifts so that when faced with the daily barrage of hatred and blasphemy against God, I can stand tall and remain confident in my faith and love of God and my neighbors - even the ones who are tearing down God. O Lord, I am not able to be courageous and faithful without your help. Be with me all of my days. Amen. Luke 12: 8-12

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord remembers his covenant forever.

Today's Intention
All those who work to deny God in the world that they may be converted and saved.

Today's Saints
Saint Ignatius of Antioch and Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque pray for us.

Today's Thought
What possesses a person to devote so much energy to deny God to others?

Pray the Most Holy Rosary for increased faith.

October 16, 2009

Beware of The Leaven

Jesus, send the Holy Spirit to bestow on me the gift of fear of God. Let this gift be the kindling that nourishes the flames of a burning respect and submission to you. Save me from the "leaven" that is the bad bread that festers and spoils the good bread. O Lord, you are the all mighty who loves the lowliest creatures and mightiest creatures. Yet, your justice will overwhelm even the mightiest on earth. Save me from your judgement. Amen. Luke 12:1-7

Responsorial Psalm
I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation.

Today's Intention
Those with authority, that they may use it humbly and in God's way.

Today's Saint
Saint Gerard Majella and Saint Hedwig, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Do our interactions with others act as good leaven in their lives?

Pray The Holy Rosary For Fear of God.

October 15, 2009

Keys of Knowledge

Jesus, grant me the knowledge and understanding of your word that I can be an instrument for you to use to open the door of salvation to others. Lord, I wish for nothing more than to have a personal relationship with you so that I can sit at your feet and learn from you. The world is loaded down with experts who wake up everyday with the intention of spreading false knowledge and wisdom to the lost sheep who wander the earth looking for a shepherd. Let me be a light so that they may see you. Amen. Luke 11:47-54

Responsorial Psalm
With the Lord there is mercy, and fullness of redemption.

Today's Intention
Catholic Colleges that they may be committed to teaching the word of God to their students.

Today's Saint
Saint Teresa of Avila, pray for us.

Today's Thought
One only has to look at how earthly knowledge changes over time to see how much there is that we do not know.

Pray the Holy Rosary for knowledge of God.

October 14, 2009

Woe To You Pharisees!

Jesus, please give me the guidance to live your word rather than to treat it like an intellectual exercise. Help me to treat and regard others in a manner that will demonstrate my understanding of your word and commandments. Save me from judging others because I do not want you to judge me harshly, but with love and understanding. Sweet Lord, help me to be holy. Amen. Luke 11:42-46

Responsorial Psalm
Lord, you give back to everyone according to his works.

Today's Intentions
Catholic Scholars and Apologists that they might guide people in a correct manner.

Today's Saint
Saint Callistus I, pray for me.

Today's Thought
Are we a "Do as I say not as I do" type of Catholic?

Pray the Holy Rosary for charity.

October 13, 2009

Clean Inside And Outside

Jesus, teach me to take care of my soul by being charitable and loving to those I encounter. Help me to be more concerned with being holy rather than looking holy. Please come to my table often and dine with me and my family, that we may learn from your words as we eat what your generosity has provided to us. Jesus, teach me what I need to know to be clean throughout. Amen. Luke 11:37-41

Responsorial Psalm
The heavens proclaim the glory of God.

Today's Intention
For the protection of all life, especially the most vulnerable.

Today's Saint
Saint Edward the Confessor, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Hollywood on the outside and inside speaks well of today's Gospel. Glitter on the outside, corruption on the inside.

Pray the Holy Rosary for personal holiness.

October 12, 2009

Seeking Signs

Jesus, please grant me the grace to see all of the wonderous signs that you provide everyday that speak of your reality. Make me content in my faith and hope in you and not be constantly searching for signs that prove that you are who you say you are. Most of all Jesus, let me profoundly see and marvel at your real presence in Holy Communion and that my minds curiousity will be satisfied always. Amen. Luke 11: 29-32

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord has made known his salvation.

Today's Intention
All those whose faith is shaky and always looking for proof of Jesus' divinity.

Today's Saint
Saint Wilfrid, pray for me.

Today's Thought
When we see traffic signs on the side of the road, do we think, "I wonder if that sign is true?"

Pray the Holy Rosary for trust in God;s word.

October 11, 2009

The Needle's Eye

Jesus, I am blessed with many riches and it it very hard to put them aside and devote all of my energies to glorifying you. Lord, help me appreciate all that I have and to use those riches to do your work. Help me to weave my way through the eye of the needle so that I can reach you. I cannot do it alone because I am blind and the entrance is narrow. Jesus, unburden me from the excess baggage that I carry so that I can enter the narrow gate that leads to your heavenly kingdon. Amen. Mark 10: 17-30

Responsorial Psalm
Fill us with your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy!

Today's Intention
Those with riches, that they may use them to glorify God.

Today's Saint
Saint Firminus, pray for us.

Today's Thought
How silly obsession with wealth and gain is!

Pray the Holy Rosary to keep your quest for material goods in balance.

October 10, 2009

Hearing And Observing

Jesus, your word continues to be spoken two thousand years after you came to our earth to free me from my sins. Not only do your words still find my ears, but you touch my physical body by your real presence in the Holy Eucharist. O Lord, help me to not just hear your words, but to live your words. Let the Eucharist fill me with your love and holiness. Awaken all of my senses so that I can be overwhelmed with your presence and influence as I live my daily life. I want to be a doer of your word, not just a hearer of your word. I desperately need your constant support to keep me moving in the ways of holiness. Jesus, never leave me alone in this difficult task. Amen. Luke:11:27-28

Today's Responsorial Psalm
Rejoice in the Lord, you just!

Today's Intention
All people who have both physical and spiritual hearing difficulties.

Today's Saint
Saint Francis Borgia, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Hearing God's word is an invitation that cannot be refused.

Pray the Holy Rosary so that our senses will always be attuned to what God speaks.

October 9, 2009

With Or Against Jesus

Jesus, I beg you to stay close to me at every moment to help me keep out the destructive forces that are clamoring to fill my mind and soul. Help me to rid myself of my brokenness and to replace it with your holiness. Give me the courage and tenacity to be on guard at all times to fend of temptations and also grant me the rest that accompanies surrender to you. O Lord, there is nothing that can fill the emptiness in me except you. Amen. Luke 11:15-26

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord will judge the world with justice.

Today's Intention
All those who are searching for holiness that Jesus may fill the void in thier lives.

Today's Saint
Saint Denis and Saint Ghislain, pray for us.

Today's Thought
When other people observe us, do they see us as "trying not to be bad" or "Trying to be like Christ"? Do they see a person who is isolated from the world or someone who is engaged in the world in a Christlike way?

Pray the Holy Rosary to help fill your emptiness.

October 8, 2009

"Ask And You Shall Receive"

Jesus, give me both the humility and courage to constantly beg you to provide for my needs. Assure me that my ever present shadow at your door is just what you want from me. Yet, allow me to keep coming back even when you do not grant me what I think that I need. Likewise O Lord, make me patient with those in my life who are constantly at my door, asking for a myriad of things. Teach me to act as you act, with love and wisdom, never making them feel like a bother or nuisance. Amen. Luke 11: 5-13

Responsorial Psalm
Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.

Today's Intention
All those in jobs who are responsible for serving the poor, that they may do their jobs with patience and love.

Today's Saint
Saint Pelagia, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Am I patient as I respond to the needs of others?

Pray The Most Holy Rosary For Patience and Love.

October 7, 2009

Our Father

Jesus, you gave all on Earth a prayer. Help me to pray the Our Father with thought and conviction everyday and throughout the day. O Lord, keep my eyes on the target of eternal salvation for myself. Make forgiveness easy for me to give, knowing that you will do the same for me. Grant that I may have what I need daily to continue to show praise and honor to you. Amen. Luke 11: 1-4

Responsorial Psalm
Lord, you are merciful and gracious.

Today's Intention
Those struggling with forgiving others.

Today's Saint
Our Lady of The Rosary, pray for us.

Today's Thought
When we forgive, it is like a tranquilizer to our anxiety.

Pray The Most Holy Rosary For Forgiveness of Our Sins.

October 6, 2009

First Things First

Jesus,I have endless choices and option from which to choose. Lord, guide me to make the choices in life that will lead me to eternal life. Save me from being bogged down in pursueing the "now" only to lose the future with you. Holy Spirit, keep me alert to the small print that accompanies expedient choices that endanger my soul. Amen. Luke 10: 38-42

Responsorial Psalm
If you, O Lord, mark iniquities, who can stand?

Today's Intention
All those faced with difficult choices.

Today's Saint
Saint Bruno, pray for us.

Today's Thought
What is our primary goal everyday?

Pray The Holy Rosary For Souls in Purgatory.

October 5, 2009

The Good Samaritin

Jesus, I encounter people who are in distress everyday. Help me to provide them with what I can to ease their suffering. There is so much suffering that it is impossible for me to face it all and still meet the responsibilities that I have in my life. By your inspiration, guide me to measure out my efforts so that I can please you alone. Amen. Luke 10: 25-37

Responsorial Psalm
You will rescue my life from the pit, O Lord.

Today's Intention
All those who have developed a hardened heart toward the poor.

Today's Saint
Saint Faustina pray for us.

Today's Thought
A smile can sometimes be the greatest act of mercy that we can give another.

Pray The Rosary For Mankind's Conversion.

October 4, 2009

"God Made Them Male and Female."

Jesus, God established the order of all things in the world. O Lord, enlighten my mind through the Holy Spirit to accept that God's order is not a guarantee of peace and tranquility. Nor is it a cookie cutter sameness and uniformity of his creations. Nor is it a guarantee of human relationships that are totally harmonious. Help me always call on you to be a partner in all that I do in life so that you can help me to make the disorder that is part of the order of my life less chaotic and stressful. Jesus, help me live my life according to your will. Amen. Mark 10: 2-12

Responsorial Psalm
May the Lord bless all the days of our lives.

Today's Intentions
All married people that they may find "perfection" amid the "imperfection" of their marriages.

Today's Saint
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Plants can grow in a dry field if water is brought by the farmer. Our job is do our life's plantings in less than perfect soil and bring water to what we plant.

Pray the Rosary for Peace.

October 3, 2009

"I Give You Praise Father"

Jesus, I need your constant reminders and guidance to keep me thankful to God The Father for all that I have been provided in my life. Many time I bask in the praise and admiration that is really due to God. Let all that I do, say and think be aimed at finding a place in your heavenly kingdom. Thank you Lord for constantly reminding me of your love for me. Amen. Luke 10: 17-24

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord listens to the poor.

Today's Intention
Those living in physical and spiritual poverty.

Today's Saint
Saint Gerard of Brogne, pray for us.

Today's Thought
All that we know about God is in a form that our small minds can comprehend.

Pray The Rosary For Peace.

October 2, 2009

Become Like Children

Jesus, protect me from doing things that intentionally or unintentionally lead others into sin. The world is populated by all of your children young and old. Help me to be holy for love of you and love of your children throughout the world. Make me humble and simple in my thoughts and in my deeds so that I may live my life in serenity and peace, even when times are tough. Holy Trinity, keep me safe in the triangle of your love and protection. Guardian Angel, be with me always. Amen. Matthew 18: 1-5, 10

Responsorial Psalm
For the glory of your name, O Lord, deliver us.

Today's Intention
School teachers and educators, that they may heed Christ's words and warning about little children. Also, religious who are struggling with sexual issues related to children.

Today's Saint
My Guardian Angel, protect me always.

Today's Thought
We are all teachers, whether we think that we are or not!

Pray The Rosary For The Salvation of Childhood. Amen.

October 1, 2009

"Peace To This Household"

Jesus, open my ears and hearts when one of your messengers, no matter how hidden or subtle, comes to me and provides me with an invitation to come closer to you. Help me to open my door to them and listen and benefit knowing that they are carrying out your assignment to them. In turn, provide me with the courage and strength to do likewise with my friends and family so that they also can be lovingly invited to come closer to you. Amen. Luke 10:1-12

Responsorial Psalm
The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.

Today's Intention
To those who are afraid to accept Christ's invitation to them.

Today's Saint
Saint Therese of Lisieux, pray for us.

Today's Thought
All life on earth is a messenger from God that we should pay attention to.

Pray The Rosary.

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