A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

July 15, 2009

The Childlike

Jesus, grant us humility so that we can put aside our arrogant desire to know everything unimportant so that we can have the time to pay attention to what You have to teach us. Allow us to be like children gathered around You, accepting what You tell us with amazement and wonder. Let us be among the ones to whom the Father is revealed. Lord, we are restless in our quest for earthly success. Change our hearts and motivations to devote our daily works and toil to Your glory. Count us in Your glorious circle of children who You love and cherish. Amen. Matthew 11: 25-27

Responsorial Psalm
"The Lord is kind and merciful."

Today's Intention
Scientist so that they may see and accept God in nature.

Saint Bonaventure, Pray For Us!


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