A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

July 25, 2009

Seeking To Serve

Jesus, You walked among men as a man to teach us to serve others. You spoke time and time again about how service to others gives glory to the Father and that to seek glory for ourselves will lead to our enslavement. Lord, all we ask is that You stay close to us so that we may live our lives doing the things that will give pleasure and glory to God. The rewards that come from that will be gratefully accepted, regardless of where we might sit in the heavenly kingdom. Father in heaven, look down on our humble efforts and show us mercy. Amen. Matthew 20: 20-28

Responsorial Psalm
"Those who sow in tears shall reap rejoicing."

Today's Intention
People all over the world who are living lives of slavery to others.

Today's Saint
Saint Christopher and Saint James the Greater, Pray For Us!

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