A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

August 5, 2009

How Great Is Your Faith?

Jesus, let us be like the woman whose daughter was not immediately healed by You, but rather only after her persistent pleas for pity. This is unlike the Israelites who time after time, when faced with strife and peril, forgot about God's love for them and turned against Him. O Lord, at times it seems that You do not hear us. Help us to remain watchful and hopeful when our prayers are not immediately answered. Holy Spirit, open our eyes to see that at times our prayers are being answered, but not as we wish them to be, but rather as Christ wishes them to be answered. Have pity on us O Lord. Amen. Matthew 15: 21-28

Responsorial Psalm
"Remember us, O Lord, as You favor Your people."

Today's Intention
All people who are discouraged by "unanswered" prayers.

Today's Saint
Saint Mary of the Snows

I believe in God, the Father almighty. Amen.

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