A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

August 27, 2009

Stay Awake!

Jesus, we have been granted the gift of life on earth without asking. Help us to live out that gift as Your "faithful and prudent" servants who are ever watchful for Your return. Holy Spirit, instill in us Your gifts so that we can be doing what is right and pleasing to God when the last moment of our mortal lives arrives. Keep us awake O Lord and always at the ready to greet You with an embrace and without fear. Lord Jesus, keep us safe and anxious for Your return. Amen. Matthew 24: 42-51

Responsorial Psalm
Fill us with Your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy!

Today's Intention
Those who who are desperate to find meaning in life.

Today's Saint
Saint Monica, Pray For Us!

Today's Thought
Every moment is our last - until the next moment arrives.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray That We Stay Alert. Amen

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