A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

August 25, 2009

Strain Out The Gnat And Swallow The Camel

Jesus, open out eyes so that we can see what is really important, Restrain us from using energy to pursue meaningless goals as our main objective. Strengthen us to do the things that we need to do, and to do them in a way that gives glory to You. O Lord, we live in a world that is consumed with curing symptoms and ignoring the diseases. Holy Trinity, direct our lives. Amen. Matthew 23: 23-26

Responsorial Psalm
You have searched me and You know me, Lord.

Today's Intention
Politicians, that they may focus on what is right and just, as per God's definition.

Today's Saint
Saint Louis, Pray For Us!

Today's Thought
Open any newspaper and see stories of outrage regarding environmental damage, political correctness and violations of people's rights. Rarely do you find a story decrying the horror of abortion.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us. Amen

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