A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

August 3, 2009

We Are Still Following Behind

Jesus, You went away by Yourself after John The Baptist was martyred. The crowd of people followed You and You greeted them with graciousness and an outpouring of miracles and wonders. You fed all of them with five loaves and two fishes. O Lord, even today You must be walking away to find solitude and rest because of the many atrocities that You see committed throughout the world. But here we are still following behind You looking for our own rest and help. Jesus, feed us as You fed the five thousand. We so desperately need Your attention and mercy. Even though we are like the Israelites moaning and groaning to Moses because they only had manna to eat, we know You will never stop loving us. Lord, do not abandon us for long to our own ways. Amen. Matthew 14:13-21

Responsorial Psalm
"Sing with joy to God our help!"

Today's Intention
All those who are grieving a loss of some type.

Today's Saint
Saint Lydia, Pray For Us!

Give us this day our daily bread. Amen

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