A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

September 3, 2009

"Lower Your Nets For A Catch"

Jesus, after a night of failed fishing, Peter followed your command to lower his net into the water one more time. The net was filled with fish! Lord, we toil on our own to fulfill our responsibilities in life. We want to succeed, but we want to do it our way and we often fail. Teach us what we need to learn by following your commands on living our lives. Help us to understand that the outcome of our efforts are secondary to faithfully following what you say. Be in our boats with us Jesus as we sail in this life. Amen.

Responsorial Psalm
"The Lord has made known his salvation."

Today's Intention
All those struggling to make a living.

Today's Saint
Saint Gregory the Great, Pray For Us!

Today's Thought
Jesus came to earth, followed what the Father said and died on the cross as a result. This is the best example ever of not judging the success of an act by its most obvious result.

Our Lady of Sorrows, Pray For Us! Amen.

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