A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

September 6, 2009

Proclaiming God's Power and Mercy

Jesus, let us be like the people of long ago, who were amazed by your power and miracles of mercy and could not contain themselves regardless of your command to tell no one. Lord help us to be merciful and loving without desiring praise and publicity, but to be humble and gracious when our good works are publicized. Let us not be afraid to give you credit for our good works. Holy Spirit instill in us your gifts so that our ears will be opened and receptive to God's word.
Amen. Mark 7: 31-37

Responsorial Psalm
Praise the Lord my soul!

Today's Intention
Those seeking a cure from illness.

Today's Saint
Blessed Bertrand, Pray for us.

Today's Thought
When is the last time we were amazed about what Jesus has done for us?

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us to be grateful to the Lord. Amen.

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