A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

August 29, 2009


Jesus, Herod allowed his power, authority and concern with other's opinion to trap him into an oath that forced him to kill John The Baptist. Instill in us the desire to please You alone. Shelter us from being enchanted by the many temptations that we are faced with every day. Jesus, we are weak and need Your constant support to keep us from doing self-destructive things. Holy Spirit, hover above us and keep us true to God. Amen. Mark 6: 17-29

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.

Today's Intention
That today's politicians will recognize that they often act like Herod and make decisions based on public opinion, self serving motivations or the desire to be re-elected. Especially for politicians and their actions related to abortion and euthanasia.

Today's Saint
Saint Medericus

Today's Thought
Ponder the thought that it is only the time between when an infants's head is sheltered in the mother's womb and when its head emerges that determines if its life can be spared or its life can be legally ended.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Intercede for The Innocent Lives Being Murdered In The Womb. Amen.

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