A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

August 30, 2009

Holiness From Within

Jesus, You cautioned the Pharisees that it is more important to pay attention to what is in our heart, mind and soul than to be consumed with attention to outward signs of holiness. O Lord, instill in us Your love so that our actions are holy because they show love and affection for those around us. Save us from being like the Pharisees who lived to be above their neighbors, rather than to serve their neighbors. We can only achieve these things if You help us, so please help us Lord. We are hopeless and helpless without You. Amen. Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Responsorial Psalm
One who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.

Today's Intention
People in power, so that they will be servants to people according to God's requirements.

Today's Saint
Saint Pammachius, Pray For Us!

Today's Thought
How often do our actions contradict what we say we believe?

Immaculate Heart of Mary, intercede for us so that we can be whole. Amen.

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