A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

August 17, 2009

Obey The Commandments

Jesus, salvation seems so impossible to achieve. We live in a world that places before us challenge after challenge, temptation after temptation and trial after trial. You told the man seeking salvation to follow the commandments and to do even more to reach his goal. He walked away sadly. We also walk away sadly whenever we become discouraged with our failures and weakness. Lord, show us Your mercy as You promised and help us to accept not only our fallen ways, but that we must have total trust in Your love for us. Lord, help us continue to run the race of life as we wait in anticipation for You to be waiting for us at the finish line to hug us and say, good job! Amen. Matthew 19: 16-22

Responsorial Psalm
Remember us, O Lord, as you favor Your people.

Today's Intention
Those of us who are discouraged and weak of spirit.

Today's Saint
Saint Hyacinth

Mary Queen of Heaven, Pray For Us! Amen

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