A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

August 18, 2009

Seeking To Be Last

Jesus, give us the strength to give generously of our earthly riches in Your name. Help us to serve others because service means unity with You. Shrink us so that we can move through the eye of the needle and find eternal life. O Lord, You can do all things and we know that You will save us if only we ask. Allow us to find joy and contentment in being last on our list of priorities knowing that by being last, we are entered on Your list of souls who are faithfully following Your words. Amen. Matthew 19: 23-30

Responsorial Psalm
"The Lord speaks of peace to His people."

Today's Intention
Service employees, that they may do their jobs with the love of Christ.

Today's Saint
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Pray For Us!

Mary Queen of Saints, Pray For Us! Amen.

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