A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

August 19, 2009

Working In The Vineyard

Jesus,help us to keep our eyes on our relationship with You and save us from jealousy and anger because of someone elses good fortune. You are indeed the vineyard owner and far be it from us to question how You dispense Your wages to Your workers. Lord, we are not capable of understanding Your love and affection for all people. Your love is perfect and our's is flawed. Your love is equal for all, our love comes with qualifications. Jesus, make us content with Your love for us and not be bothered by other distractions. Amen. Matthew 20:1-16.

Responsorial Psalm
Lord, in Your strength the king is glad.

Today's Intention
Those struggling with jealousy.

Today's Saint
Saint John Eudes, Pray For Us!

Mary Mother of God, Pray For Us! Amen.

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