A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

September 18, 2009


Jesus, you worked great miracles for many people, often curing them of their physical and spiritual ills. They followed you on your journey from town to town and provided you with your earthy needs out of their resources because they were thankful to you. Lord, give us the grace to be eternally grateful for what you do for us. Make us thankful that we were included in the Father's plan which accounts for our life on earth. Give us the courage and wisdom to give all that we have to you. Amen. Luke 8: 1-3

Responsorial Psalm
Blessed the poor in spirit; the kingdon of heaven is theirs!

Today's Intention
Missionaries throughout the world, especially in hostile areas.

Today's Saint
Saint Joseph of Cupertino, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Imagine how many people would flock to Sunday Mass if the practice was that attendees were given an envelope of money rather than offering one in thanksgiving!

Our Lady of Sorrows, Have Pity on Our Selfish Ways and Pray For Us! Amen.

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