A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

September 17, 2009

"Your Sins Are Forgiven"

Jesus, your constant readiness to forgive our sins is too much for us to understand. We ask for forgiveness and we sin again. You wait patiently for us to ask you again for forgiveness, and you again forgive us. Lord, we are so weak and so ungrateful and you are so mighty and so loving and thankful for our continued attempts to do what is right. Please instill in us an understanding of true sorrow and contrition for our trespasses so that we will fall at your feet and give you thanks and again, ask for forgiveness. Amen. Luke 7:36-50

Responsorial Psalm
How great are the works of the Lord.

Today's Intention
Those struggling with addictions.

Today's Saint
Saint Robert Bellarmine, Pray For Us.

Today's Thought
The number of stars that we can see in the sky on a clear night does not even come close to Jesus' infinite ability and willingness to forgive one of us for our sins.

Our Lady of Sorrows, Pray For Our Souls. Amen.

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