A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

September 22, 2009

Our Spiritual Family

Jesus, help us to cherish our place in the family of the Father. Regardless of our worthiness to be called a mother, brother or sister in God's family, we are still members. Give us the strength to run toward you, as the prodigal son ran toward his father after a long, chaotic absence from home. O Lord, give us the courage to love you first and foremost in this earthly life so that we can be a good example to our family and our neighbors. Amen. Luke 8: 19-21

Responsorial Reading
Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.

Today's Intention
All people who are experiencing conflicts in their families.

Today's Saint
Saint Thomas, Pray For Us.

Today's Thought
How would we feel if someone we loved said that pleasing God is a higher priority than pleasing us?

Our Lady of Sorrows, Pray For Us. Amen.

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