A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

October 27, 2009

Mustard Seeds And Yeast

Jesus, be the yeast that makes my life come alive and grow so that it is lived as you wish me to live it. Make something worthwhile and holy of me so that I can grow like the tiny mustard seed into a shelter for the birds of the sky. O Holy Spirit, breathe into me your gifts to bring me to holiness. Amen. Luke 13: 18-21

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord has done marvels for us.

Today's Intention
So that all people will do good deeds with what they are given by God.

Today's Saint
Saint Emilina and Saint Frumentius pray for us.

Today's Thought
All that we see, good and bad, is a manifestation of what we have done with what God has provided to us.

Pray The Holy Rosary For Hope.

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