A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

November 8, 2009

Charity Is Love Of Jesus

Jesus, only you can help me to show the kind of charity that you demand of me. Only you can give me the grace to live my life as an act of charity, realizing that to do any thing less will be of no use on the day that I give an account of my time on earth. O Lord, move me to feel the need to help others as I can. Allow me to be charitable without agenda or self- service as repayment. Jesus save me from selfishness. Amen. Mark 12: 38-44

Responsorial Psalm
Praise the Lord, my soul!

Today's Intention
The poor of the earth, both materially and spiritually. May the be the object of charity.

Today's Saint
Saint Godfrey pray for us.

Today's Thought
How can you show charity to a wealthy person?

Pray for the Holy Souls who need the charity of our prayers, not our material goods.

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