A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

November 10, 2009

Giving Beyond What Is Required

Jesus, you have given me the opportunity to walk on the face of this earth, experience all that is around me and be part of the human drama that is unfolding everyday. There is no amount of work and good deeds that I could possibly do to match your boundless gift to me. O Lord, help me to do my best everyday and in every way out of love for you and not in an attempt to repay you or earn your good favor. Give me the ability to be holy and give beyond what is required because it is what I want to do not what I have to do. Thank you Jesus for your love. Amen. Luke 17: 7-10

Responsorial Psalm
I will bless the Lord at all times.

Today's Intention
That all people will be responsible to the ultimate level in doing their jobs.

Today's Saint
Saint Leo The Great pray for us.

Today's Thought
The moment that we feel that we deserve more is the moment that we begin to deserve less.

Pray for the Holy Souls who are dependent on our thoughts and prayers.

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