A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

November 11, 2009

The Grateful Leper

Jesus, never let me take for granted all that you have provided for me. My life is blessed and full of good things and opportunities. I have all of these things because of the place that you have chosen for me in my life. Fill me with gratitude, like one of ten lepers who returned to thank you after being cleansed. Let me stay at your feet for all of my days thanking you. Amen. Luke 17: 11-19

Responsorial Psalm
Rise up, O God, bring judgement to the earth.

Today's Intention
That those with much will thank God for their wealth.

Today's Saint
Saint Martin of Tours pray for us.

Today's Thought
How often do you really thank God for what you have?

Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who are thankful for every prayer that is said for them.

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