A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

November 20, 2009

Temple Filled With Noise and Merchants

Today's Gospel's Inspired Prayer

Jesus, I seek refuge from the noise of the world while in your house. Kneeling before the tabernacle, I pour out my concerns and offer my thanks. Help me to overcome the many distractions that have cluttered your house. Give me the tact and wisdom to not only not engage in senseless chatter, but to serve as model for others to follow while in your presence. O Lord, there are so many culture tainted places in the world, I pray that you act to make your house a holy and sacred dwelling for all.
Amen. Luke 19: 45-48

Today's Responsorial Psalm
We praise your glorious name, O mighty God.

Today's Intention
All those who volunteer time to clean and take care of Catholic Churches.

Today's Saint
Saint Bernward pray for us.

Today's Thought
Are you a reverant worshiper or clanging bell when you enter God's house?

Pray for The Holy Souls in Purgatory.

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