A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.
June 30, 2009
O You Of Little Faith
Jesus, we are so thankful that the people that You chose to accompany You on earth were so shaky in their faith in You. Even after seeing all You could do first-hand, they still showed doubt and fear. This gives us hope for ourselves. Today, we are riding in a boat that is in a sea of turbulence and hazard of many types. We cry out to You for protection and leadership. We want You to use Your almighty powers to quell the storms around us and tame the forces that create the danger. Lord, You know when and how to act. Give us the faith and trust to know that Your plan is much wiser than our need for immediate vindication and safety. Jesus, help us realize that although You may seem to be asleep in the boat, You are still in charge of all things. Amen. Matthew 8: 23-27
June 29, 2009
Who Do You Say I Am?
Jesus, Peter answered this question in a manner that showed his faith and belief in You. His faith in You and love for You is a model that we strive to achieve. Lord, Peter was not perfect in his faith and loyalty, yet You saw in him the qualities that allowed You to have him head Your church on earth. Help us to be faithful, even in spite of our imperfections. Holy Spirit guide us on the voyage of living faithful lives that requires seeking forgiveness for failures and shortcomings. Amen. Matthew 16: 13-19
June 28, 2009
Just Have Faith
Jesus, strengthen us to have faith despite the wildly wrong things that we hear everyday. There are so many messages communicated to us that are consciously or unconsciously intended to separate us from Your influence. Send the Holy Spirit to help us remain true to You and to the Father. Keep us calm as we fight the battle for our souls. Let us be brave and undaunted by all around us. Lord, we love You. Amen. Mark: 21-43
June 27, 2009
Only Say The Word
Jesus, all things are possible through You. Help us grow in faith so that we can be like the Centurian who showed a level of faith in You that caused You to heal his servant from afar. We too are unworthy to have You stand under our roofs. Yet You are present in the Tabernacle of every church inviting us in to visit You and find healing. Holy Spirit, give us the gift of humility so that we too can find healing by turning our lives over to the power of faith in Christ rather than faith in our own ability to make things right. Amen. Matthew 8: 5-17
June 26, 2009
Make Me Clean
Jesus, we invite You to make us clean as You did the leper. Our ears long to hear You say, "I will do it." to our request. Lord, when You healed the leper, You made him free to be among those who he was seperated from in the village. Prepare us for being seperated from those who we now freely roam among when You heal us. Holy Spirit, provide us with Your gifts to allow us to remain in the midst of the world while we are seperated from it by Christ's control. Help us to cope with the paradox of divine healing. Amen. Matthew 8: 1-4
June 25, 2009
House Built On Rock
Jesus, you have supplied us with the rocks to build our house upon. Give us the strength to do the hard work of actually building the house. We see many around us living comfortably and happily in their houses built on sand. We hear them laughing and mocking us as we stand in the elements toiling to finish our job that will never be done. Help us be driven forward with the assurance that the house we are building will be finished on our last day. When we enter our long awaited shelter, You will be standing there to greet us. Our ears wait to hear You say, "Welcome home." Amen. Matthew 7: 21-29
June 24, 2009
Free Our Tongues
Jesus, free our tongues to proclain Your name as Zechariah's tongue was freed when he followed the Father's plan to name his son John. Father, make us part of Your plan as You made John part of Your plan. Show us mercy as You showed mercy to Elizabeth in her old age. Holy Sprit, stay with us and inspire us. Make our spirits strong as You strengthened John's. Amen. Luke 1:57-66, 80
June 23, 2009
Enter Through The Narrow Gate
Jesus, the gate that leads to wrong living and sadness for the Father grows wider everyday. Not only does it grow wider, more and more roads are being built that lead to it. Lord, keep us on the one narrow road that leads to the narrow gate that leads to eternal life with the Holy Trinity. Holy Spirit, be our constant guide and mentor. Lord have mercy on us as we make this perilous journey. Amen. Matthew 7: 12-14
June 22, 2009
Judging Others
Jesus, send the Holy Spirit to to fill us with the gifts to help us strive to live only for the Father's happiness and not to judge those who do not. Enlighten us to know the difference between our motives that seek to please You and those which seek to condemn our neighbors. Lord, we are easily prone to be angry and resentful. Assist us in finding serenity in seeking to please You. Amen. Matthew 7: 1-5
Year Of The Priest
Pray for Priests!
Year Of The Priest
Pray for Priests!
June 21, 2009
"Quiet. Be still"
Jesus, thank You for being there when our lives are out of control or when we are tempted to go against the Father's will. Thank You for attending to our pain and saying, "Quiet! Be still." to those people and situations that cause us pain. Most importantly, for saying, "Quiet! Be still!" to us.
June 20, 2009
Teach Us Lord
Jesus, teach us as You taught in the temple as a child. Through the Holy Spirit, help us understand what the Father requires of us. Amen. Luke 2: 41-51
June 19, 2009
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Jesus, let the blood and water that flowed from Your pierced heart cleanse us from all our sins. Help us to fully comprehend what Your forgiveness is all about. Holy Spirit, transport our minds back to Calvary at each Mass so that we can be a part of the act that gave us freedom. Lord, thank You for Your supreme sacrifice for us. Amen.
June 18, 2009
Our Father
Jesus, please deliver our simple prayers to the Father. Strengthen us to forgive all who harm us in any way, knowing the Father will provide us with the same forgiveness. Help us understand that forgiveness allows us to draw ourselves closer to the Holy Trinity. Holy Spirit, inspire us all day everyday. Amen.
June 17, 2009
Pray In Secret
Jesus, assist us in keeping a daily routine of prayer and thanksgiving to the Father. You gave examples of praying in secret when You were on earth. We are seeking desperately to make contact with You, to be sure that You are hearing our prayers. Help us feel assured that You are standing right beside us as we pray in secret. Holy Spirit, fill us with your gifts as we pray also, in secret, for Your assistance. Amen.
June 16, 2009
A Sun That Shines On All
Jesus, help us to love our neighbor in spite of their actions. Holy Spirit, inspire us in a way that we can remain calm and confident whenever we witness outrageous acts and beliefs. Teach us to react in a manner that first glorifies God. Help us do the right thing. Lord, please keep Your Son shining on all of us, good and bad. Amen.
June 15, 2009
A Difficult Request
Jesus, though the power of the Holy Spirit, strengthen us to turn the other cheek. This is so hard to do. Pride, anger, resentment and our egos always get in the way. Help us understand and experience the benefits of humility. Amen. Matthew 54:38-42.
June 14, 2009
Corpus Christi Sunday
June 13, 2009
Plain Talk
Jesus, help us to communicate in plain and simple terms. Holy Spirit, inspire us to speak openly and sincerely in all that we say. Help us us always to say "yes" to the Father's will and "no" to that which displeases Him. Amen. Matthew 5: 33-37
June 12, 2009
Purity of Thoughts and Deeds
Jesus, keep us turned against the tide of immorality that is so obvious in all facets of modern life. Help us to find the strength to courageously resist the things that we are so prone to do that offend the Father. Holy Spirit, inspire us and guide us to accept the suffering that is associated with training our minds and bodies to show honor and glory to God. Amen. Matthew 5:27-32
June 11, 2009
First Things First
Jesus, allow humility to grow in us. Help us to forgive those who have offended us, cheated us or did anything to anger us. Give us the courage to accept the fact that we are all sinners and that only You have the right to judge and punish. Holy Spirit, guide our thoughts and actions to seek to please the Father, not to dwell on what others may do in their lives. Let our actions serve as an example that speaks louder than angry words. Amen.
June 10, 2009
The Commandments
Jesus, help us to keep our eyes on the road that will lead us to eternal joy. Our road on earth is bumpy with many signs that lead us in the wrong direction. Your Commandments, given to Moses so long ago tells us what we need to do to be pleasing to the Father. Holy Spirit, fill us with Your gifts so that we can reach You, the Father and Son at the end of our trip. Amen.
June 9, 2009
A Light For Others To See
Jesus, let us not be afraid to shine brightly to the world. Give us the courage to cast off our baskets and place ourselves on the lampstand to honor You and spread Your word to those around us. Guard us from pride and arrogance as we act in Your name so that our aim is to glorify You and not ourselves. Holy Spirit, accompany us on this journey. Amen. Matthew 5: 13-16
June 8, 2009
The Beatitudes
Jesus, help us to live the Beatitudes. Holy Spirit, enlighten us to place the struggle to please the Father ahead of winning the world. O Lord, Your words and dictates are difficult to put into action. help us be good warriors for You. Amen. Matthew 5:1-12
June 7, 2009
The Holy Trinity
Jesus, allow us to go carry on our daily lives with the motivation to glorify the Holy Trinity. Let us worship the Trinity and not dwell on understanding it. Make us true disciples. Strengthen us to act as You taught. Help us to preach the gospel with our deeds. Blessed be The Holy Trinity. Amen. Matthew 28: 16-20
June 6, 2009
Giving To God
Jesus, help us to give the maximum measure of what we have to serve the Father. Strengthen us to do our best in Your name. Help us remain vigilant against comparing what we do against what others do. Convince us that the pleasure felt by the Father with our deeds is most important. Holy Spirit inspire us. Amen. Mark 12: 38-44
June 5, 2009
Unraveling The Truth
Jesus, assist us through the inspiration and enlightening of the Holy Spirit to understand what is true. More importantly, help us accept that what You taught us is truth, even if we do not or cannot understand why it is the truth. Amen.
June 4, 2009
The Greatest And Hardest
Jesus, loving You and loving our neighbors are surely the most important commandments. Lord, they are the hardest to follow, no matter how much we commit ourselves to following them. Holy Spirit, fill us with the desire to do as the commandments say, then infuse us with the strength and courage to actually show love. Amen.
June 3, 2009
Don't Be Misled
Jesus, open our eyes to the magnificence of the Father's kingdom. It is a kingdom that we cannot imagine. Our goal is to reach that kingdom to be with You. Send the Holy Spirit to help us not be misled by inflexible visions of what the kingdom will be like. Help us strive to only love the Father by loving You as You taught us to. Amen.
June 2, 2009
Pay To Caesar
Jesus, strengthen us to pay to Caesar what is Caesar's, but not to contribute to his follies in a manner that will cause them to advance. Keep us always focused on Your word so that our actions are always in line with what they demand. Assist us through the Holy Spirit to express our thoughts and beliefs in a manner that serves to convert others. Amen.
June 1, 2009
In The Vineyard
Jesus, help us to be productive as we work in the Father's vineyard. The fruits of our labors, while most is ours to keep, must be devoted to You and Your glory. Lord, please direct the Holy Spirit to hover near us daily and inspire our actions and motives. Help us be good and faithful tenants. Amen.
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