A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

August 31, 2009

A Prophet In His Native Place

Jesus, You departed from those You grew up with and left them to do Your work elsewhere because they saw Your humanity, but not Your divinity. Lord, help us to see and accept both Your humanity and divinity without needing to understand that which is beyond our ability to comprehend. Open our eyes to see You in the most humble of our neighbors so that we will treat them as You treat us, with love and affection. Holy Spirit, make us open to the truth that swirls all around us. Amen. Luke 4: 16-30

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord comes to judge the earth.

Today's Intention
Those suffering religious persecution.

Today's Saint
Saint Aristedes, Pray For Us.

Today's Thought
How often are we amazed and jealous of close friend's accomplishments?

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us! Amen.

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