A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

September 27, 2009

"If Your Hand Causes You To Sin..."

Jesus, you love all people and want everyone to find salvation in you. Help me to tend my relationship with you alone and not meddle and interfere with your relationship with others. I want your full attention all of the time and I become jealous and resentful when I see others threatening my relationship with you and understanding of you. O Lord, give me the strength to live my life in a way that does not lead others into sin. I am weak and need your constant help to give a good example to others. Jesus, give me the courage to live a good and holy life. Amen. Mark 9: 38-43, 45, 47-48

Responsorial Psalm
The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.

Today's Intention
For those who work in the advertising industry, that they will resist messages that lead people into sin.

Today's Saint
Saint Vincent de Paul, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Every single thing that we do helps to paint each moment in time that is responsible for the future, moment by moment, that will unfold.

Our Lady of Sorrows, Pray For Us. Amen.

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