A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

September 28, 2009

The Least One Is The Greatest One

Jesus, grant me the humility to be at the end of the line, serving those who are waiting the longest for life's requirements. Help me escape from the hustle and bustle of making myself noticed and loved by important people and rather let me find satisfaction and contentment in being noticed and needed by those who can do nothing for me except say thank you. O Lord, please keep me focused on pleasing you and honoring you as my main goal in life. Amen. Luke 9: 46-50

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord will build up Zion again, and appear in all his glory.

Today's Intention
All those who work with the poor.

Today's Saint
Saint Wenceslaus, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Life is a line that we must wait in. How we act as we wait in line determines what is waiting for us when we reach the front of the line. It is then that we discover if we are now first in line in God's eyes or in the wrong line!

Our Lady of Sorrows, Pray For Us! Amen.

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