A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

October 8, 2009

"Ask And You Shall Receive"

Jesus, give me both the humility and courage to constantly beg you to provide for my needs. Assure me that my ever present shadow at your door is just what you want from me. Yet, allow me to keep coming back even when you do not grant me what I think that I need. Likewise O Lord, make me patient with those in my life who are constantly at my door, asking for a myriad of things. Teach me to act as you act, with love and wisdom, never making them feel like a bother or nuisance. Amen. Luke 11: 5-13

Responsorial Psalm
Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.

Today's Intention
All those in jobs who are responsible for serving the poor, that they may do their jobs with patience and love.

Today's Saint
Saint Pelagia, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Am I patient as I respond to the needs of others?

Pray The Most Holy Rosary For Patience and Love.

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