A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

October 9, 2009

With Or Against Jesus

Jesus, I beg you to stay close to me at every moment to help me keep out the destructive forces that are clamoring to fill my mind and soul. Help me to rid myself of my brokenness and to replace it with your holiness. Give me the courage and tenacity to be on guard at all times to fend of temptations and also grant me the rest that accompanies surrender to you. O Lord, there is nothing that can fill the emptiness in me except you. Amen. Luke 11:15-26

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord will judge the world with justice.

Today's Intention
All those who are searching for holiness that Jesus may fill the void in thier lives.

Today's Saint
Saint Denis and Saint Ghislain, pray for us.

Today's Thought
When other people observe us, do they see us as "trying not to be bad" or "Trying to be like Christ"? Do they see a person who is isolated from the world or someone who is engaged in the world in a Christlike way?

Pray the Holy Rosary to help fill your emptiness.

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