A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

October 4, 2009

"God Made Them Male and Female."

Jesus, God established the order of all things in the world. O Lord, enlighten my mind through the Holy Spirit to accept that God's order is not a guarantee of peace and tranquility. Nor is it a cookie cutter sameness and uniformity of his creations. Nor is it a guarantee of human relationships that are totally harmonious. Help me always call on you to be a partner in all that I do in life so that you can help me to make the disorder that is part of the order of my life less chaotic and stressful. Jesus, help me live my life according to your will. Amen. Mark 10: 2-12

Responsorial Psalm
May the Lord bless all the days of our lives.

Today's Intentions
All married people that they may find "perfection" amid the "imperfection" of their marriages.

Today's Saint
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us.

Today's Thought
Plants can grow in a dry field if water is brought by the farmer. Our job is do our life's plantings in less than perfect soil and bring water to what we plant.

Pray the Rosary for Peace.

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