A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

October 3, 2009

"I Give You Praise Father"

Jesus, I need your constant reminders and guidance to keep me thankful to God The Father for all that I have been provided in my life. Many time I bask in the praise and admiration that is really due to God. Let all that I do, say and think be aimed at finding a place in your heavenly kingdom. Thank you Lord for constantly reminding me of your love for me. Amen. Luke 10: 17-24

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord listens to the poor.

Today's Intention
Those living in physical and spiritual poverty.

Today's Saint
Saint Gerard of Brogne, pray for us.

Today's Thought
All that we know about God is in a form that our small minds can comprehend.

Pray The Rosary For Peace.

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