Jesus, grant me the knowledge and understanding of your word that I can be an instrument for you to use to open the door of salvation to others. Lord, I wish for nothing more than to have a personal relationship with you so that I can sit at your feet and learn from you. The world is loaded down with experts who wake up everyday with the intention of spreading false knowledge and wisdom to the lost sheep who wander the earth looking for a shepherd. Let me be a light so that they may see you.
Amen. Luke 11:47-54Responsorial PsalmWith the Lord there is mercy, and fullness of redemption.Today's IntentionCatholic Colleges that they may be committed to teaching the word of God to their students.
Today's SaintSaint Teresa of Avila, pray for us.
Today's ThoughtOne only has to look at how earthly knowledge changes over time to see how much there is that we do not know.
Pray the Holy Rosary for knowledge of God.