Jesus, I am blessed with many riches and it it very hard to put them aside and devote all of my energies to glorifying you. Lord, help me appreciate all that I have and to use those riches to do your work. Help me to weave my way through the eye of the needle so that I can reach you. I cannot do it alone because I am blind and the entrance is narrow. Jesus, unburden me from the excess baggage that I carry so that I can enter the narrow gate that leads to your heavenly kingdon.
Amen. Mark 10: 17-30Responsorial PsalmFill us with your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy!Today's IntentionThose with riches, that they may use them to glorify God.
Today's SaintSaint Firminus, pray for us.
Today's ThoughtHow silly obsession with wealth and gain is!
Pray the Holy Rosary to keep your quest for material goods in balance.