A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

October 12, 2009

Seeking Signs

Jesus, please grant me the grace to see all of the wonderous signs that you provide everyday that speak of your reality. Make me content in my faith and hope in you and not be constantly searching for signs that prove that you are who you say you are. Most of all Jesus, let me profoundly see and marvel at your real presence in Holy Communion and that my minds curiousity will be satisfied always. Amen. Luke 11: 29-32

Responsorial Psalm
The Lord has made known his salvation.

Today's Intention
All those whose faith is shaky and always looking for proof of Jesus' divinity.

Today's Saint
Saint Wilfrid, pray for me.

Today's Thought
When we see traffic signs on the side of the road, do we think, "I wonder if that sign is true?"

Pray the Holy Rosary for trust in God;s word.

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