A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.

November 14, 2009

The Persistent Widow

Jesus, help me be like the persistent widow who never lost hope and continued to ask the godless judge for justice. You are the all powerful and all good judge who I want to beg to daily for the the forgiveness of my sins and my eternal welfare. O Lord, it is so hard to remain faithful and persistent in today's world. Send the Holy Spirit to instill in me the gifts to make me strong and ever faithful to you. Amen. Luke 18: 1-8

Responsorial Psalm
Remember the marvels the Lord has done!

Today's Intention
All those struggling with prayers they feel are unanswered. May they see God's wisdon in his answers.

Today's Saint
Saint Sidonius and Saint Lawrence O'Toole pray for us.

Today's Thought
Be assured that God will never grant our prayers if he knows that it will harm us.

Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory who wait everyday to hear our prayers that will help set them free.

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