Jesus, You departed from those You grew up with and left them to do Your work elsewhere because they saw Your humanity, but not Your divinity. Lord, help us to see and accept both Your humanity and divinity without needing to understand that which is beyond our ability to comprehend. Open our eyes to see You in the most humble of our neighbors so that we will treat them as You treat us, with love and affection. Holy Spirit, make us open to the truth that swirls all around us. Amen. Luke 4: 16-30
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord comes to judge the earth.
Today's Intention
Those suffering religious persecution.
Today's Saint
Saint Aristedes, Pray For Us.
Today's Thought
How often are we amazed and jealous of close friend's accomplishments?
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us! Amen.
A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.
August 31, 2009
August 30, 2009
Holiness From Within
Jesus, You cautioned the Pharisees that it is more important to pay attention to what is in our heart, mind and soul than to be consumed with attention to outward signs of holiness. O Lord, instill in us Your love so that our actions are holy because they show love and affection for those around us. Save us from being like the Pharisees who lived to be above their neighbors, rather than to serve their neighbors. We can only achieve these things if You help us, so please help us Lord. We are hopeless and helpless without You. Amen. Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Responsorial Psalm
One who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.
Today's Intention
People in power, so that they will be servants to people according to God's requirements.
Today's Saint
Saint Pammachius, Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
How often do our actions contradict what we say we believe?
Immaculate Heart of Mary, intercede for us so that we can be whole. Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
One who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.
Today's Intention
People in power, so that they will be servants to people according to God's requirements.
Today's Saint
Saint Pammachius, Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
How often do our actions contradict what we say we believe?
Immaculate Heart of Mary, intercede for us so that we can be whole. Amen.
August 29, 2009
Jesus, Herod allowed his power, authority and concern with other's opinion to trap him into an oath that forced him to kill John The Baptist. Instill in us the desire to please You alone. Shelter us from being enchanted by the many temptations that we are faced with every day. Jesus, we are weak and need Your constant support to keep us from doing self-destructive things. Holy Spirit, hover above us and keep us true to God. Amen. Mark 6: 17-29
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.
Today's Intention
That today's politicians will recognize that they often act like Herod and make decisions based on public opinion, self serving motivations or the desire to be re-elected. Especially for politicians and their actions related to abortion and euthanasia.
Today's Saint
Saint Medericus
Today's Thought
Ponder the thought that it is only the time between when an infants's head is sheltered in the mother's womb and when its head emerges that determines if its life can be spared or its life can be legally ended.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Intercede for The Innocent Lives Being Murdered In The Womb. Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.
Today's Intention
That today's politicians will recognize that they often act like Herod and make decisions based on public opinion, self serving motivations or the desire to be re-elected. Especially for politicians and their actions related to abortion and euthanasia.
Today's Saint
Saint Medericus
Today's Thought
Ponder the thought that it is only the time between when an infants's head is sheltered in the mother's womb and when its head emerges that determines if its life can be spared or its life can be legally ended.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Intercede for The Innocent Lives Being Murdered In The Womb. Amen.
August 28, 2009
Lord, Lord Open The Door.
Jesus, the thought of You locking us out of Heaven, is too much to comprehend. Help us to understand that we are responsible for being prepared, at any time, for You to call our name and invite us to meet You. Lord, we need Your never ending prompting and prodding to keep us awake and aware. You have given us so many tools to help us. The Sacraments, the Holy Bible and most of all the Eucharist to keep us on track. Jesus, help us use them. Amen. Matthew 25: 1-13
Responsorial Psalm
Rejoice in the Lord, you just
Today's Intention
Those nearing death who do not know Jesus.
Today's Saint
Saint Augustine and Saint Edmund Arrowsmith
Today's Thought
Just imagine being locked out of eternity with Christ! Terrifying!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Awaken Us! Amen
Responsorial Psalm
Rejoice in the Lord, you just
Today's Intention
Those nearing death who do not know Jesus.
Today's Saint
Saint Augustine and Saint Edmund Arrowsmith
Today's Thought
Just imagine being locked out of eternity with Christ! Terrifying!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Awaken Us! Amen
August 27, 2009
Stay Awake!
Jesus, we have been granted the gift of life on earth without asking. Help us to live out that gift as Your "faithful and prudent" servants who are ever watchful for Your return. Holy Spirit, instill in us Your gifts so that we can be doing what is right and pleasing to God when the last moment of our mortal lives arrives. Keep us awake O Lord and always at the ready to greet You with an embrace and without fear. Lord Jesus, keep us safe and anxious for Your return. Amen. Matthew 24: 42-51
Responsorial Psalm
Fill us with Your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy!
Today's Intention
Those who who are desperate to find meaning in life.
Today's Saint
Saint Monica, Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
Every moment is our last - until the next moment arrives.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray That We Stay Alert. Amen
Responsorial Psalm
Fill us with Your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy!
Today's Intention
Those who who are desperate to find meaning in life.
Today's Saint
Saint Monica, Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
Every moment is our last - until the next moment arrives.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray That We Stay Alert. Amen
August 26, 2009
Appearing Beautiful On The Outside
Jesus, give us the courage to see ourselves as You see us. We are flawed in so many ways, yet You love us and want us to let You help us to be whole. O Lord, we want to look in the mirror and love ourselves as You love us. We are consumed with concern for superficial appearance rather than spiritual beauty. We struggle to look good to impress our friends as if their opinion of us is all important. Jesus, help us to relax and rest in Your arms so that You can make us whole and beautiful inside and outside. Amen. Matthew 23: 27-32
Responsorial Psalm
You have searched me and You know me, Lord.
Today's Intention
Those struggling with pride.
Today's Saint
Saint Martha, Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
Walk down the aisles of beauty and health items at your local store. See how many products are devoted to helping us to "look good" on the outside. Look for the aisle that is devoted to products aimed at developing inner beauty.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us! Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
You have searched me and You know me, Lord.
Today's Intention
Those struggling with pride.
Today's Saint
Saint Martha, Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
Walk down the aisles of beauty and health items at your local store. See how many products are devoted to helping us to "look good" on the outside. Look for the aisle that is devoted to products aimed at developing inner beauty.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us! Amen.
August 25, 2009
Strain Out The Gnat And Swallow The Camel
Jesus, open out eyes so that we can see what is really important, Restrain us from using energy to pursue meaningless goals as our main objective. Strengthen us to do the things that we need to do, and to do them in a way that gives glory to You. O Lord, we live in a world that is consumed with curing symptoms and ignoring the diseases. Holy Trinity, direct our lives. Amen. Matthew 23: 23-26
Responsorial Psalm
You have searched me and You know me, Lord.
Today's Intention
Politicians, that they may focus on what is right and just, as per God's definition.
Today's Saint
Saint Louis, Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
Open any newspaper and see stories of outrage regarding environmental damage, political correctness and violations of people's rights. Rarely do you find a story decrying the horror of abortion.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us. Amen
Responsorial Psalm
You have searched me and You know me, Lord.
Today's Intention
Politicians, that they may focus on what is right and just, as per God's definition.
Today's Saint
Saint Louis, Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
Open any newspaper and see stories of outrage regarding environmental damage, political correctness and violations of people's rights. Rarely do you find a story decrying the horror of abortion.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us. Amen
August 24, 2009
Can Anything Good Come From Nazareth?
Jesus, touch our hearts and minds so that we will cease looking for reasons to convince ourselves that You are indeed the Son of God. Help us to abandon ourselves to your protection and care. You are with us everyday in the lives of those who walk this earth with us. You are with us in everything that surrounds us. All is Nazareth, all You and all is good and capable of providing us with proof of Your eternal power and might. O Lord, increase our small minds so that You may enter and stay. Amen. John 1: 45-51
Responsorial Psalm
Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of Your Kingdom.
Today's Intention
Missionaries throughout the world.
Today's Saint
Saint Bartholomew Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
The complex nature of even the most lowly places on earth are beyond our ability to fully comprehend. They also are a reflection of the awe of God's power and might.
Responsorial Psalm
Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of Your Kingdom.
Today's Intention
Missionaries throughout the world.
Today's Saint
Saint Bartholomew Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
The complex nature of even the most lowly places on earth are beyond our ability to fully comprehend. They also are a reflection of the awe of God's power and might.
August 23, 2009
Do You Also Want To Leave?
Jesus, many of the things that You said are hard to hear and hard to understand. Your words test our faith at times. We ponder and try to figure out Your message from our human point of view. At times we are tempted through weakness to walk away from You. O Lord, give us the strength to persevere through these times of shaky faith in You. Keep us hopeful of the Father's invitation to eternal life. O Lord, where would we go if we left You? Amen. John 6: 60-69
Responsorial Psalm
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Today's Intention
All those whose faith in Jesus is being tested.
Today's Saint
Saint Rose of Lima Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
All one has to do is walk down the streets of a big city or listen to the world news to get a good look at the lives that walked away from Jesus.
Mary, Pray To Jesus For Our Souls. Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Today's Intention
All those whose faith in Jesus is being tested.
Today's Saint
Saint Rose of Lima Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
All one has to do is walk down the streets of a big city or listen to the world news to get a good look at the lives that walked away from Jesus.
Mary, Pray To Jesus For Our Souls. Amen.
August 22, 2009
For Your Eyes To See
Jesus, grant us the humility to serve rather than be served. The Scribes and Pharisees sought for everyone to see their good deeds and knowledge. Help us to be content with only Your eyes seeing our actions. Lord we are are driven to seek the approval of those around us. We are weak and needy for attention and love. Make Your presence and closeness felt by us. Help us to show gratitude and love to You for all that You have done for us because You loved the Father and sought to do His will and please what His eyes saw. Amen. Saint Matthew 23:1-12
Responsorial Psalm
See how the Lord blesses those who fear Him.
Today's Intention
People in positions of power that they may do what is right in God's eyes.
Today's Saint
The Queenship of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary Mother of God, Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
We are surrounded by an infinite number of things that are beyond our ability to control. How foolish we must look in God's eyes when we live our lives in a manner that pretends to be in control of all that is around us.
Responsorial Psalm
See how the Lord blesses those who fear Him.
Today's Intention
People in positions of power that they may do what is right in God's eyes.
Today's Saint
The Queenship of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary Mother of God, Pray For Us!
Today's Thought
We are surrounded by an infinite number of things that are beyond our ability to control. How foolish we must look in God's eyes when we live our lives in a manner that pretends to be in control of all that is around us.
August 21, 2009
The Greatest Commandment
Jesus,touch our souls and minds so that we can show You the love and honor that You deserve. Lord help us to understand that if we do not strive to live for You and honor You, our efforts to follow the second greatest commandment, "to love our neighbor as ourselves" will fall very short of what is required. You love all of us beyond our ability to understand. How dare we not love You and our neighbor in the same way. Holy Spirit, grant us Your gifts so that we can serenely abandon our lives to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Matthew 22: 34-40
Responsorial Psalm
Praise the Lord, my soul!
Today's Intention
Those who allow grudges and resentments to sour their lives.
Today's Saint
Saint Pius X
Thought For Today
How foolish we are to think that we are smarter than God. We are like Eve in the garden, even today!
Mary Queen of Saints, Pray For Us! Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
Praise the Lord, my soul!
Today's Intention
Those who allow grudges and resentments to sour their lives.
Today's Saint
Saint Pius X
Thought For Today
How foolish we are to think that we are smarter than God. We are like Eve in the garden, even today!
Mary Queen of Saints, Pray For Us! Amen.
August 20, 2009
Dressing For The Wedding Feast
Jesus, when You speak of the Kingdom of Heaven and say that, "Many are invited, but few are chosen." they are hard words to hear. Lord, help us to accept Your invitation readily and willingly. Enlighten us to the realization of the magnificent feast to which we are invited. Give us the wisdom to always be dressed in our best attire, so that when the invitation comes, we are fit to attend. Jesus, our wedding clothes are torn and tattered, please show us Your love and mercy when we step through the celebrations door. Amen. Matthew 22: 1-14
Responsorial Psalm
Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.
Today's Intention
Missionaries who work to spread the invitation to accept Christ as savior.
Today's Saint
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Pray For Us!
Mary, pray for us to Jesus. Amen
Responsorial Psalm
Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.
Today's Intention
Missionaries who work to spread the invitation to accept Christ as savior.
Today's Saint
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Pray For Us!
Mary, pray for us to Jesus. Amen
August 19, 2009
Working In The Vineyard
Jesus,help us to keep our eyes on our relationship with You and save us from jealousy and anger because of someone elses good fortune. You are indeed the vineyard owner and far be it from us to question how You dispense Your wages to Your workers. Lord, we are not capable of understanding Your love and affection for all people. Your love is perfect and our's is flawed. Your love is equal for all, our love comes with qualifications. Jesus, make us content with Your love for us and not be bothered by other distractions. Amen. Matthew 20:1-16.
Responsorial Psalm
Lord, in Your strength the king is glad.
Today's Intention
Those struggling with jealousy.
Today's Saint
Saint John Eudes, Pray For Us!
Mary Mother of God, Pray For Us! Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
Lord, in Your strength the king is glad.
Today's Intention
Those struggling with jealousy.
Today's Saint
Saint John Eudes, Pray For Us!
Mary Mother of God, Pray For Us! Amen.
August 18, 2009
Seeking To Be Last
Jesus, give us the strength to give generously of our earthly riches in Your name. Help us to serve others because service means unity with You. Shrink us so that we can move through the eye of the needle and find eternal life. O Lord, You can do all things and we know that You will save us if only we ask. Allow us to find joy and contentment in being last on our list of priorities knowing that by being last, we are entered on Your list of souls who are faithfully following Your words. Amen. Matthew 19: 23-30
Responsorial Psalm
"The Lord speaks of peace to His people."
Today's Intention
Service employees, that they may do their jobs with the love of Christ.
Today's Saint
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Pray For Us!
Mary Queen of Saints, Pray For Us! Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
"The Lord speaks of peace to His people."
Today's Intention
Service employees, that they may do their jobs with the love of Christ.
Today's Saint
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Pray For Us!
Mary Queen of Saints, Pray For Us! Amen.
August 17, 2009
Obey The Commandments
Jesus, salvation seems so impossible to achieve. We live in a world that places before us challenge after challenge, temptation after temptation and trial after trial. You told the man seeking salvation to follow the commandments and to do even more to reach his goal. He walked away sadly. We also walk away sadly whenever we become discouraged with our failures and weakness. Lord, show us Your mercy as You promised and help us to accept not only our fallen ways, but that we must have total trust in Your love for us. Lord, help us continue to run the race of life as we wait in anticipation for You to be waiting for us at the finish line to hug us and say, good job! Amen. Matthew 19: 16-22
Responsorial Psalm
Remember us, O Lord, as you favor Your people.
Today's Intention
Those of us who are discouraged and weak of spirit.
Today's Saint
Saint Hyacinth
Mary Queen of Heaven, Pray For Us! Amen
Responsorial Psalm
Remember us, O Lord, as you favor Your people.
Today's Intention
Those of us who are discouraged and weak of spirit.
Today's Saint
Saint Hyacinth
Mary Queen of Heaven, Pray For Us! Amen
August 8, 2009
August 7, 2009
Losing Life To Find Life
Jesus, give us the strength to allow You to overtake our lives so that we can begin living. Lord it is so difficult to keep our focus on You and what You teach when there is so much emphasis on being successful by worldly standards. It is indeed terrifying to think that we can find success and riches in our fleeting lives only to lose eternity in Your presence. Keep us focused on You Lord so that we can be with You forever. Amen. Matthew 16: 24-28
Responsorial Psalm
"I remember the deeds of the Lord."
Today's Intention
Those who are overwhelmed by a drive for riches.
Today's Saint
Saint Afra, Pray For Us!
I believe in God, the Father Almighty. Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
"I remember the deeds of the Lord."
Today's Intention
Those who are overwhelmed by a drive for riches.
Today's Saint
Saint Afra, Pray For Us!
I believe in God, the Father Almighty. Amen.
August 6, 2009
Jesus, how we wish that we could walk up the side of a mountain with You and see You illuminated with the saints. How wonderful it would be to hear the Father's voice command us to listen to You because You are His Son. Jesus, You are the center of our fondest dreams and desires. Fill us with faith and hope, so that we can show the mercy that following You requires. Amen. Mark 9: 2-10
Responsorial Psalm
"The Lord is King, the Most High over all the earth."
Today's Intention
Those burdened with secrets they cannot tell.
Today's Saint
Feast of The Transfiguration
Mary Queen of Angels, Pray For Us! Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
"The Lord is King, the Most High over all the earth."
Today's Intention
Those burdened with secrets they cannot tell.
Today's Saint
Feast of The Transfiguration
Mary Queen of Angels, Pray For Us! Amen.
August 5, 2009
How Great Is Your Faith?
Jesus, let us be like the woman whose daughter was not immediately healed by You, but rather only after her persistent pleas for pity. This is unlike the Israelites who time after time, when faced with strife and peril, forgot about God's love for them and turned against Him. O Lord, at times it seems that You do not hear us. Help us to remain watchful and hopeful when our prayers are not immediately answered. Holy Spirit, open our eyes to see that at times our prayers are being answered, but not as we wish them to be, but rather as Christ wishes them to be answered. Have pity on us O Lord. Amen. Matthew 15: 21-28
Responsorial Psalm
"Remember us, O Lord, as You favor Your people."
Today's Intention
All people who are discouraged by "unanswered" prayers.
Today's Saint
Saint Mary of the Snows
I believe in God, the Father almighty. Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
"Remember us, O Lord, as You favor Your people."
Today's Intention
All people who are discouraged by "unanswered" prayers.
Today's Saint
Saint Mary of the Snows
I believe in God, the Father almighty. Amen.
August 4, 2009
Walking On Water
Jesus, hold out Your hand to us so that we will dare to venture onto the rough waters that surround us. It is terrifying to step from the shore into the water. Even with You waiting for us as You promise. Our faith and trust are flawed, but You understand us. You never give up on us. When we finally reach You, wet and scared nearly to death, hold us with the loving embrace of a parent who knows what a scary adventure we will have just completed.Amen. Matthew 14:22-36
Responsorial Psalm
"Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned."
Today's Intention
Those who work on the seas.
Today's Saint
Saint John Vianney, Pray for us!
Mary Queen of the Universe, Pray For Us! Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
"Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned."
Today's Intention
Those who work on the seas.
Today's Saint
Saint John Vianney, Pray for us!
Mary Queen of the Universe, Pray For Us! Amen.
August 3, 2009
We Are Still Following Behind
Jesus, You went away by Yourself after John The Baptist was martyred. The crowd of people followed You and You greeted them with graciousness and an outpouring of miracles and wonders. You fed all of them with five loaves and two fishes. O Lord, even today You must be walking away to find solitude and rest because of the many atrocities that You see committed throughout the world. But here we are still following behind You looking for our own rest and help. Jesus, feed us as You fed the five thousand. We so desperately need Your attention and mercy. Even though we are like the Israelites moaning and groaning to Moses because they only had manna to eat, we know You will never stop loving us. Lord, do not abandon us for long to our own ways. Amen. Matthew 14:13-21
Responsorial Psalm
"Sing with joy to God our help!"
Today's Intention
All those who are grieving a loss of some type.
Today's Saint
Saint Lydia, Pray For Us!
Give us this day our daily bread. Amen
Responsorial Psalm
"Sing with joy to God our help!"
Today's Intention
All those who are grieving a loss of some type.
Today's Saint
Saint Lydia, Pray For Us!
Give us this day our daily bread. Amen
August 2, 2009
Food That Endures

Responsorial Psalm
"The Lord gave them bread from heaven."
Today's Intention
Those who are physically and spiritually hungry.
Today's Saint
Saint Stephen, Pray For Us!
Holy Spirit, grant us Your gifts. Amen.
August 1, 2009
Herod's Delight And John's Death
Jesus, enlighten our politicians so that they will do their jobs free of the destructive influences of special interest groups or mainly motivated by the desire to gain re-election. Herod allowed himself to be swayed by personal and political pressures that resulted in the death of John The Baptist. Dear Lord, give us the strength to withstand the evils that we must face whenever our political system betrays Your Word. Help us to stand tall and proclaim what is true, knowing that to do so is a "yes" vote for our own salvation. Holy Spirit, create in us a fire that will light our way. Amen. Matthew 14: 1-12
Responsorial Psalm
"O God, let all the nations praise You!"
Today's Intention
Politicians, that they may act ethically and in compliance with God's Word.
Today's Saint
Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Pray For Us!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us! Amen.
Responsorial Psalm
"O God, let all the nations praise You!"
Today's Intention
Politicians, that they may act ethically and in compliance with God's Word.
Today's Saint
Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Pray For Us!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us! Amen.
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