Today's Gospel's Inspired Prayer
Jesus, help me to keep alert and vigilant so that I do not falter. There is so much to be concerned with that at times I can barely keep track of even a little. Send the Holy Spirit to give me the wisdom and knowledge to focus on what is necessary for me to be holy and true to your teachings. O Lord, let me rest my weary head on your shoulders. Convince me that you really do want to carry my burdens. O Lord I do not want to be surprised by your coming. Help me be ready to greet you with open arms at any time. Amen. Luke 21: 34-36
Today's Responsorial Psalm
Give glory and eternal praise to him.
Today's Intention
All those who only live for today and who have no regard for eternal life with Christ.
Today's Saint
Saint James of the Marches pray for us.
Today's Thought
We are all powerless over the future.
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who were ready when Jesus came for them.
A Quick Daily Visit For Catholics.
November 28, 2009
November 27, 2009
Heaven And Earth Will Pass Away
Today's Gospel's Inspired Prayer
Jesus, give me the grace to keep my mind on your everlasting words so that I can live a holy life. Save me from wasting precious time looking at and looking for things that will pass away with the changing whims of the world. I feel that I am surrounded by a whirlwind of spectacles that defy your words and it makes me angry and fearful. O Lord, grant me the serenity to rely on you and trust in you alone. Amen. Luke 21: 29-23
Today's Responsorial Psalm
Give glory and eternal praise to him!
Today's Saint
Saint James of the Marches pray for us.
Today's Intention
All those who cannot see the salvation in the words of the Lord.
Today's Thought
What signs do you see in your own little world that demonstrate that you are blind of God's word because of the spectacles around you.
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who deserve to see God because they have excelled in "seeing" and following his word.
Jesus, give me the grace to keep my mind on your everlasting words so that I can live a holy life. Save me from wasting precious time looking at and looking for things that will pass away with the changing whims of the world. I feel that I am surrounded by a whirlwind of spectacles that defy your words and it makes me angry and fearful. O Lord, grant me the serenity to rely on you and trust in you alone. Amen. Luke 21: 29-23
Today's Responsorial Psalm
Give glory and eternal praise to him!
Today's Saint
Saint James of the Marches pray for us.
Today's Intention
All those who cannot see the salvation in the words of the Lord.
Today's Thought
What signs do you see in your own little world that demonstrate that you are blind of God's word because of the spectacles around you.
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who deserve to see God because they have excelled in "seeing" and following his word.
November 26, 2009
There Will Be Signs In The Sun
Today's Gospel's Inspired Prayer
Jesus, the world has lost its direction and the profane and meaningless pursuit of pleasure above responsibility has overtaken many people. O Lord, do not let me be one of the people who ignores the signs of impending calamity that are all around us. Help me to be courageous whenever faced with deciding between your way and the world's way. Give me the patience and restraint to contain my anger and outrage over the attempts by governments to erase your influence from the world. Amen. Luke 21:20-28
Today's Responsorial Psalm
Give glory and eternal praise to him.
Today's Intention
World leaders and scientists that they may attend to the truly important threats to all people's well being.
Today's Saint
Saint Leonard of Port Maurice and Saint Sylvester Gozzolina pray for us.
Today's Thought
How terrible it will be when Christ comes and all those who ignored and scoffed at his warnings and pleas face him.
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who are waiting and watching for signs of their release into the kingdom of God.
Jesus, the world has lost its direction and the profane and meaningless pursuit of pleasure above responsibility has overtaken many people. O Lord, do not let me be one of the people who ignores the signs of impending calamity that are all around us. Help me to be courageous whenever faced with deciding between your way and the world's way. Give me the patience and restraint to contain my anger and outrage over the attempts by governments to erase your influence from the world. Amen. Luke 21:20-28
Today's Responsorial Psalm
Give glory and eternal praise to him.
Today's Intention
World leaders and scientists that they may attend to the truly important threats to all people's well being.
Today's Saint
Saint Leonard of Port Maurice and Saint Sylvester Gozzolina pray for us.
Today's Thought
How terrible it will be when Christ comes and all those who ignored and scoffed at his warnings and pleas face him.
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who are waiting and watching for signs of their release into the kingdom of God.
November 20, 2009
Temple Filled With Noise and Merchants
Today's Gospel's Inspired Prayer
Jesus, I seek refuge from the noise of the world while in your house. Kneeling before the tabernacle, I pour out my concerns and offer my thanks. Help me to overcome the many distractions that have cluttered your house. Give me the tact and wisdom to not only not engage in senseless chatter, but to serve as model for others to follow while in your presence. O Lord, there are so many culture tainted places in the world, I pray that you act to make your house a holy and sacred dwelling for all.
Amen. Luke 19: 45-48
Today's Responsorial Psalm
We praise your glorious name, O mighty God.
Today's Intention
All those who volunteer time to clean and take care of Catholic Churches.
Today's Saint
Saint Bernward pray for us.
Today's Thought
Are you a reverant worshiper or clanging bell when you enter God's house?
Pray for The Holy Souls in Purgatory.
Jesus, I seek refuge from the noise of the world while in your house. Kneeling before the tabernacle, I pour out my concerns and offer my thanks. Help me to overcome the many distractions that have cluttered your house. Give me the tact and wisdom to not only not engage in senseless chatter, but to serve as model for others to follow while in your presence. O Lord, there are so many culture tainted places in the world, I pray that you act to make your house a holy and sacred dwelling for all.
Amen. Luke 19: 45-48
Today's Responsorial Psalm
We praise your glorious name, O mighty God.
Today's Intention
All those who volunteer time to clean and take care of Catholic Churches.
Today's Saint
Saint Bernward pray for us.
Today's Thought
Are you a reverant worshiper or clanging bell when you enter God's house?
Pray for The Holy Souls in Purgatory.
November 19, 2009
Recognizing Jesus In The World Today
Today's Gospel's Inspired Prayer
Jesus,help me to recognize all of your visitations that you will place in front of me today. My eyes and mind are weak and are unable and sometimes unwilling to see or recognize you when you come by and offer me graces. Save me Lord from whatever stops me from cherishing your saving visit to earth over 2000 years ago and your daily visits that occur to this day. Fill me with awe so that when I kneel in your presence before the Blessed Sacrament, I will be get up stronger and more able to do your will. Amen. Luke 19: 41-44
Today's Responsorial Psalm
To the upright I will show the saving power of God.
Today's Intention
That those who actively work to banish Christ's presence from the world will be touched in a powerful way by his presence.
Today's Saint
Saint Barlaam pray for us.
Today's Thought
Look around. Do you see forces in the world actively working to drive Christ's influence from your life?
Pray for The Holy Souls in purgatory who are waiting in anxious anticipation to see God.
Jesus,help me to recognize all of your visitations that you will place in front of me today. My eyes and mind are weak and are unable and sometimes unwilling to see or recognize you when you come by and offer me graces. Save me Lord from whatever stops me from cherishing your saving visit to earth over 2000 years ago and your daily visits that occur to this day. Fill me with awe so that when I kneel in your presence before the Blessed Sacrament, I will be get up stronger and more able to do your will. Amen. Luke 19: 41-44
Today's Responsorial Psalm
To the upright I will show the saving power of God.
Today's Intention
That those who actively work to banish Christ's presence from the world will be touched in a powerful way by his presence.
Today's Saint
Saint Barlaam pray for us.
Today's Thought
Look around. Do you see forces in the world actively working to drive Christ's influence from your life?
Pray for The Holy Souls in purgatory who are waiting in anxious anticipation to see God.
November 18, 2009
Being A Prudent Servant
Today's Gospel Inspired Prayer
Jesus, give me the grace to have a holy fear of your awsome glory and might. You demand much in the way of our love. I want to love you above all and to produce good and plentiful works with what you have provided to me. Help me to use these gifts wisely so that when you return, you will greet me like the servants who used their master's coins for good investments. Count me among the servants who desire above all else for you to be their king. O Lord, strengthen me to fullfill your desires and prudence to live a good and holy life. Amen. Luke 19: 11-28
Today's Responsorial Psalm
Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.
Today's Intention
That all those intrusted with other's riches will guard and handle them with care and prudence.
Today's Saint
Saint Rose Philippine pray for us.
Today's Thought
Do you "fear" God in a constructive or destructive way?
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory that they may soon find peace in heaven.
Jesus, give me the grace to have a holy fear of your awsome glory and might. You demand much in the way of our love. I want to love you above all and to produce good and plentiful works with what you have provided to me. Help me to use these gifts wisely so that when you return, you will greet me like the servants who used their master's coins for good investments. Count me among the servants who desire above all else for you to be their king. O Lord, strengthen me to fullfill your desires and prudence to live a good and holy life. Amen. Luke 19: 11-28
Today's Responsorial Psalm
Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.
Today's Intention
That all those intrusted with other's riches will guard and handle them with care and prudence.
Today's Saint
Saint Rose Philippine pray for us.
Today's Thought
Do you "fear" God in a constructive or destructive way?
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory that they may soon find peace in heaven.
November 17, 2009
Zacchaeus - Short In Stature And A Sinner
Today's Gospel Inspired Prayer
Jesus, like Zacchaeus I am cannot see you clearly because of the obstacles in my line of sight. Also, I am a sinner and as a sinner, it is hard for me to grasp that you want me to come to you because of my sins. My sinful life makes me a target of your love. O Lord, make me open to welcome you into my life fully and without reservation. Clear away the obstacles and haze that cloud my view of your glorious presence all around me. Amen. Luke 19: 1-10
Today's Responsorial Psalm
The Lord upholds me.
Today's Intention
All those who are struggling to see God.
Today's Saint
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary pray for us.
Today's Thought
What obstacles stand in the way of your sight of God?
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory that they may see the eternal salvation that awaits them so that their suffering is relieved.
Jesus, like Zacchaeus I am cannot see you clearly because of the obstacles in my line of sight. Also, I am a sinner and as a sinner, it is hard for me to grasp that you want me to come to you because of my sins. My sinful life makes me a target of your love. O Lord, make me open to welcome you into my life fully and without reservation. Clear away the obstacles and haze that cloud my view of your glorious presence all around me. Amen. Luke 19: 1-10
Today's Responsorial Psalm
The Lord upholds me.
Today's Intention
All those who are struggling to see God.
Today's Saint
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary pray for us.
Today's Thought
What obstacles stand in the way of your sight of God?
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory that they may see the eternal salvation that awaits them so that their suffering is relieved.
November 16, 2009
The Persistent Blind Man
Today's Gospel Inspired Prayer
Jesus, help me be like the blind man who continued to call out your name, even as passers by yelled at him to be quiet. Give me the courage and fortitude to pray to you and beg you for guidance and a clearer vision of how I should live my life. Today the world is over flowing with people who scream, "be quiet" to those who call out your name.O Lord, make my ears deaf to their words and sharpen my sight by your grace and make my tongue eloquent in praising your name. Amen. Luke 18: 35-40
Today's Responsorial Psalm
Give me life, O Lord, and I will do your commands.
Today's Intention
To all those who actively attempt to quiet the faithful, may they be touched by Christ's healing power.
Today's Saint
Saint Margaret of Scotland and Saint Gertrude the Great pray for us.
Today's Thought
Who in your life screams, "be quiet"?
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, may they never stop praying for us when they reach heaven.
Jesus, help me be like the blind man who continued to call out your name, even as passers by yelled at him to be quiet. Give me the courage and fortitude to pray to you and beg you for guidance and a clearer vision of how I should live my life. Today the world is over flowing with people who scream, "be quiet" to those who call out your name.O Lord, make my ears deaf to their words and sharpen my sight by your grace and make my tongue eloquent in praising your name. Amen. Luke 18: 35-40
Today's Responsorial Psalm
Give me life, O Lord, and I will do your commands.
Today's Intention
To all those who actively attempt to quiet the faithful, may they be touched by Christ's healing power.
Today's Saint
Saint Margaret of Scotland and Saint Gertrude the Great pray for us.
Today's Thought
Who in your life screams, "be quiet"?
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, may they never stop praying for us when they reach heaven.
November 15, 2009
A Lesson From The Fig Tree
Today's Gospel Inspired Prayer
Jesus, I see signs all around me that match the signs that the gospel says will precede your coming. Give me the wisdom to continue to try to be holy, regardless of the signs that I see. Give me the love of you to seek only to please you and not to avoid damnation. O Lord, help me to see you everyday in all that I see. Amen. Mark 13: 24-32
Today's Responsorial Psalm
You are my inheritance, O Lord!
Today's Intention
All those who live in fear.
Today's Saint
Saint Albert The Great pray for us.
Today's Thought
Every age has seen signs that Jesus is soon to return, yet our sinful ways continue to plague the earth.
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. They are waiting for Jesus to call them into heaven.
Jesus, I see signs all around me that match the signs that the gospel says will precede your coming. Give me the wisdom to continue to try to be holy, regardless of the signs that I see. Give me the love of you to seek only to please you and not to avoid damnation. O Lord, help me to see you everyday in all that I see. Amen. Mark 13: 24-32
Today's Responsorial Psalm
You are my inheritance, O Lord!
Today's Intention
All those who live in fear.
Today's Saint
Saint Albert The Great pray for us.
Today's Thought
Every age has seen signs that Jesus is soon to return, yet our sinful ways continue to plague the earth.
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. They are waiting for Jesus to call them into heaven.
November 14, 2009
The Persistent Widow
Jesus, help me be like the persistent widow who never lost hope and continued to ask the godless judge for justice. You are the all powerful and all good judge who I want to beg to daily for the the forgiveness of my sins and my eternal welfare. O Lord, it is so hard to remain faithful and persistent in today's world. Send the Holy Spirit to instill in me the gifts to make me strong and ever faithful to you. Amen. Luke 18: 1-8
Responsorial Psalm
Remember the marvels the Lord has done!
Today's Intention
All those struggling with prayers they feel are unanswered. May they see God's wisdon in his answers.
Today's Saint
Saint Sidonius and Saint Lawrence O'Toole pray for us.
Today's Thought
Be assured that God will never grant our prayers if he knows that it will harm us.
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory who wait everyday to hear our prayers that will help set them free.
Responsorial Psalm
Remember the marvels the Lord has done!
Today's Intention
All those struggling with prayers they feel are unanswered. May they see God's wisdon in his answers.
Today's Saint
Saint Sidonius and Saint Lawrence O'Toole pray for us.
Today's Thought
Be assured that God will never grant our prayers if he knows that it will harm us.
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory who wait everyday to hear our prayers that will help set them free.
November 13, 2009
He Will Return Quickly
Jesus,save me from not being prepared for your coming. Help me to have the fortitude to live everyday as if it were my last and you are on your way to call the faithful home to you. Help me to maintain my resolve and focus on my salvation. O Lord help me to live up to your expectations of my holiness. Amen Luke 17: 26-37
Responsorial Psalm
The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
Today's Intention
All those who will suffer a sudden death. May they be ready to face God and find salvation waiting for them.
Today's Saint
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini pray for us.
Today's Thought
Are you ready for God to ask for a report on your current state of holiness?
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who passed from this life ready for God's judgement.
Responsorial Psalm
The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
Today's Intention
All those who will suffer a sudden death. May they be ready to face God and find salvation waiting for them.
Today's Saint
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini pray for us.
Today's Thought
Are you ready for God to ask for a report on your current state of holiness?
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who passed from this life ready for God's judgement.
November 12, 2009
The Kingdom of God is Among You
Jesus, you are here with me and I am already in your kingdom. Help me to feel the warmth and closeness of your presence. Guard me from chasing after claims that you are here or there by those who do not know that you already live in my heart and I need not look for you. O Lord, when you do return on the last day, let my soul be clean and ready for you. Amen. Luke 17:20-25
Responsorial Psalm
Your word is for ever, O Lord.
Today's Intention
For those who are wandering to false religions and beliefs looking for salvation and meaning.
Today's Saint
Saint Josephat pray for us.
Today's Thought
Look at the clutter of self-help literature and schemes that never mention God. Self-Help, what does it mean??
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory who need our prayers.
Responsorial Psalm
Your word is for ever, O Lord.
Today's Intention
For those who are wandering to false religions and beliefs looking for salvation and meaning.
Today's Saint
Saint Josephat pray for us.
Today's Thought
Look at the clutter of self-help literature and schemes that never mention God. Self-Help, what does it mean??
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory who need our prayers.
November 11, 2009
The Grateful Leper
Jesus, never let me take for granted all that you have provided for me. My life is blessed and full of good things and opportunities. I have all of these things because of the place that you have chosen for me in my life. Fill me with gratitude, like one of ten lepers who returned to thank you after being cleansed. Let me stay at your feet for all of my days thanking you. Amen. Luke 17: 11-19
Responsorial Psalm
Rise up, O God, bring judgement to the earth.
Today's Intention
That those with much will thank God for their wealth.
Today's Saint
Saint Martin of Tours pray for us.
Today's Thought
How often do you really thank God for what you have?
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who are thankful for every prayer that is said for them.
Responsorial Psalm
Rise up, O God, bring judgement to the earth.
Today's Intention
That those with much will thank God for their wealth.
Today's Saint
Saint Martin of Tours pray for us.
Today's Thought
How often do you really thank God for what you have?
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory who are thankful for every prayer that is said for them.
November 10, 2009
Giving Beyond What Is Required
Jesus, you have given me the opportunity to walk on the face of this earth, experience all that is around me and be part of the human drama that is unfolding everyday. There is no amount of work and good deeds that I could possibly do to match your boundless gift to me. O Lord, help me to do my best everyday and in every way out of love for you and not in an attempt to repay you or earn your good favor. Give me the ability to be holy and give beyond what is required because it is what I want to do not what I have to do. Thank you Jesus for your love. Amen. Luke 17: 7-10
Responsorial Psalm
I will bless the Lord at all times.
Today's Intention
That all people will be responsible to the ultimate level in doing their jobs.
Today's Saint
Saint Leo The Great pray for us.
Today's Thought
The moment that we feel that we deserve more is the moment that we begin to deserve less.
Pray for the Holy Souls who are dependent on our thoughts and prayers.
Responsorial Psalm
I will bless the Lord at all times.
Today's Intention
That all people will be responsible to the ultimate level in doing their jobs.
Today's Saint
Saint Leo The Great pray for us.
Today's Thought
The moment that we feel that we deserve more is the moment that we begin to deserve less.
Pray for the Holy Souls who are dependent on our thoughts and prayers.
November 9, 2009
Driving Out The Money Changers
Jesus, you are the temple that was destroyed and rebuilt in three days for our salvation. You are the transition between the old covenant and the new covenant. Lord, make me a holy temple and help me to honor my life as you showed honor to the temple when you drove out the money changers and merchants. Amen. John 2:13-22
Responsorial Psalm
The waters of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High!
Today's Intention
That all Catholics will show ultimate respect and honor when attending Mass.
Today's Saint
Dedication of Saint John Lateran Basilica in Rome.
Today's Thought
How do we act in church? Do we act as if Jesus Christ is present in the tabernacle?
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
Responsorial Psalm
The waters of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High!
Today's Intention
That all Catholics will show ultimate respect and honor when attending Mass.
Today's Saint
Dedication of Saint John Lateran Basilica in Rome.
Today's Thought
How do we act in church? Do we act as if Jesus Christ is present in the tabernacle?
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
November 8, 2009
Charity Is Love Of Jesus
Jesus, only you can help me to show the kind of charity that you demand of me. Only you can give me the grace to live my life as an act of charity, realizing that to do any thing less will be of no use on the day that I give an account of my time on earth. O Lord, move me to feel the need to help others as I can. Allow me to be charitable without agenda or self- service as repayment. Jesus save me from selfishness. Amen. Mark 12: 38-44
Responsorial Psalm
Praise the Lord, my soul!
Today's Intention
The poor of the earth, both materially and spiritually. May the be the object of charity.
Today's Saint
Saint Godfrey pray for us.
Today's Thought
How can you show charity to a wealthy person?
Pray for the Holy Souls who need the charity of our prayers, not our material goods.
Responsorial Psalm
Praise the Lord, my soul!
Today's Intention
The poor of the earth, both materially and spiritually. May the be the object of charity.
Today's Saint
Saint Godfrey pray for us.
Today's Thought
How can you show charity to a wealthy person?
Pray for the Holy Souls who need the charity of our prayers, not our material goods.
November 7, 2009
Be Trustworthy In Small Matters
Jesus, you are generous and merciful beyond all measure. Instill in me the spirit of charity and giving that is driven by my love of you. Help me to detach my giving from self-serving purposes and allow my heart to experience the joy of true charity and love for those I come in contact with. O Lord, with you grace, even my smallest action can serve as a gift to others. You have entrusted me with all that I have and am. Help me to use my gifts and being in a trustworthy and holy way. Amen. Luke 16: 9-15
Responsorial Psalm
I will praise you name for ever, Lord.
Today's Intention
Those with many and few riches that both may use what they have to further Christ's goals on earth.
Today's Saint
Saint Athenodorus pray for us.
Today's Thought
How many of the gifts that we give and kindnesses that we offer others are motivated by self service?
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory so that they may move on to their final eternal rest and glory.
Responsorial Psalm
I will praise you name for ever, Lord.
Today's Intention
Those with many and few riches that both may use what they have to further Christ's goals on earth.
Today's Saint
Saint Athenodorus pray for us.
Today's Thought
How many of the gifts that we give and kindnesses that we offer others are motivated by self service?
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory so that they may move on to their final eternal rest and glory.
November 6, 2009
Be a Good Steward
Jesus, all that I have is from you. Help me to be a trusted steward of your riches so that I can make a good accounting of myself to you. Instill in me the prudence to look ahead to eternal life and not earthly life as my motivation. O Lord, help me calm my mind and focus on pleasing you despite the noise and clutter that surrounds me to do otherwise. Jesus have mercy on me and my efforts. Amen. Luke 16: 1-8
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.
Today's Intention
All those who are entrusted with the care and management of other's money and posessions.
Today's Saint
Saint Leonard and Saint Bertile pray for us.
Today's Thought
Are we faithful and prudent in the small things in our life?
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory.
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.
Today's Intention
All those who are entrusted with the care and management of other's money and posessions.
Today's Saint
Saint Leonard and Saint Bertile pray for us.
Today's Thought
Are we faithful and prudent in the small things in our life?
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory.
November 5, 2009
Finding Lost Sheep
Jesus,I am constantly wandering away from your flock. Please continue to be the good sheperd and find me and bring me back on your shoulders. Teach me what I need to learn so that I will be able to stop wandering and stay under your watchful eyes with the rest of your loved flock. I have wandered so often and you have chased me so often that I am sometimes afraid that you will not forgive me when I say yet again, "I am sorry." O Lord, have mercy on me and always have forgiveness waiting when I again say, "Sorry." Amen. Luke 15: 1-10
Responsorial Psalm
I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.
Today's Intention
All those who wandered from the Catholic Church.
Today's Saint
Saint Sylvia pray for us.
Today's Thought
Jesus Christ loves sinners.
Pray for the Holy Souls that they may reach their reward quickly.
Responsorial Psalm
I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.
Today's Intention
All those who wandered from the Catholic Church.
Today's Saint
Saint Sylvia pray for us.
Today's Thought
Jesus Christ loves sinners.
Pray for the Holy Souls that they may reach their reward quickly.
November 4, 2009
Carrying Our Own Cross
Jesus, give me the grace to put you first in my life. I often find myself making the wrong choices when faced with listening to you or listening to myself and the world. You absorbed mockery and death for me and I find it a challenge to tolerate even the slightest inconveniences to my comfort and selfishness. I need your help to put myself in your hands and trust only in you. Jesus, come to my aid and make me strong. Amen. Luke 14: 25-33
Responsorial Psalm
Blessed the man who is gracious and lends to those in need.
Today's Intention
All those who suffer persecution for Christ's sake.
Today's Saint
Saint Charles Borromeo pray for us.
Today's Thought
What is the greatest struggle that you have when it comes to deciding between what Jesus wants and what you want?
Pray for the Holy Souls who have lived their lives and made the right choices for their salvation.
Responsorial Psalm
Blessed the man who is gracious and lends to those in need.
Today's Intention
All those who suffer persecution for Christ's sake.
Today's Saint
Saint Charles Borromeo pray for us.
Today's Thought
What is the greatest struggle that you have when it comes to deciding between what Jesus wants and what you want?
Pray for the Holy Souls who have lived their lives and made the right choices for their salvation.
November 3, 2009
Make No Excuses
Jesus, you invited me to come to the wedding feast the day that I was baptised. You have been reminding me for many years that the feast is coming up and not to be late. There are days that I look forward to the feast and there are days that I look for every excuse not to attend. O Lord, help me to persevere and keep my focus on your invitation. Give me the grace that I shall show up dressed in the correct clothing with my gift of love and gratitude in my hands. Jesus, give me strength and endurance. Amen. Luke 14:15-24
Responsorial Psalm
In you, O Lord, I have found my peace.
Today's Intention
All those who have fallen away from Christ's invitation to be saved.
Today's Saint
Saint Winifred and Saint Martin de Porres pray for us.
Today's Thought
Christ's invitation is forever valid.
Pray for the Holy Souls who have successfully persevered and are at the door of heaven waiting to be called in to eternal life.
Responsorial Psalm
In you, O Lord, I have found my peace.
Today's Intention
All those who have fallen away from Christ's invitation to be saved.
Today's Saint
Saint Winifred and Saint Martin de Porres pray for us.
Today's Thought
Christ's invitation is forever valid.
Pray for the Holy Souls who have successfully persevered and are at the door of heaven waiting to be called in to eternal life.
November 2, 2009
Do Not Lose Me Lord.
Jesus, it is so hard to understand the depth to which you love me. I cannot fully comprehend that you want nothing more than for me to devote myself to following you as best as I can and whenever I stumble, to ask for forgiveness and accept the forgiveness that you grant. O Lord, overwhelm me and set me straight on my walk through life. Let me see you at the end of life's path calling me to you with open arms. Forgive my failings and be merciful to me. Amen. John 6: 37-40
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord is my sheperd; there is nothing I shall want.
Today's Intention
All the faithfully departed.
Today's Saints
All the faithfully departed.
Today's Thought
Think about what the term "faithfully departed" means. If my life ended today, would I be faithfully departed?
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory.
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord is my sheperd; there is nothing I shall want.
Today's Intention
All the faithfully departed.
Today's Saints
All the faithfully departed.
Today's Thought
Think about what the term "faithfully departed" means. If my life ended today, would I be faithfully departed?
Pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory.
November 1, 2009
Blessed Be The ...
Jesus, you preached to the people and taught them how poverty, mercy and peacemaking will bring them to eternal life. O Lord, teach me to follow these lessons in my life. Teach me especially to be calm and civil when you are mocked and ridiculed by many in today's world. Let me be an example that may light the way for others. Help me be holy Jesus in a world full of unholiness. Amen. Matthew 5: 1-12
Responsorial Psalm
Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.
Today's Intention
That all may work to follow the beatitudes taught by Jesus.
Today's Saints
All Saints in heaven pray for us.
Today's Thought
Everything that we experience in this life offers us the opportunity to move closer to Christ.
Pray for the Holy Souls that they may reach their heavenly reward.
Responsorial Psalm
Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.
Today's Intention
That all may work to follow the beatitudes taught by Jesus.
Today's Saints
All Saints in heaven pray for us.
Today's Thought
Everything that we experience in this life offers us the opportunity to move closer to Christ.
Pray for the Holy Souls that they may reach their heavenly reward.
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